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This blog represents a paradigm shift in the realm of SAP decoding. We're not just decoding SAP; we're redefining how should we take approach on it.

I am sharing details for the Purchasing component, but you can apply a similar method to other components.

To begin, use T-code SE80 and select 'Application Hierarchy' and 'Package.' This will allow you to view all application components. From here, open your module component to access your configuration and sub-parts of your module.



How to find BAPI/FM in SAP? 

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing >Business Engineering>Business Object Types >BUS2012 Purchase Order

Cilck on any object and drill down method field.


Now click on green icon button to check the BAPI/FM name.


How to find standard workflow in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing >Business Engineering>Workflow Standard Tasks/Workflow Standard Rules /Workflow Patterns


Click on any task, You will get details.


How to find T-code in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing >Transactions


How to find Tables in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing >Dictionary Objects >Database Tables >


How SAP standard program fetched data from system and indentify tables for it?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Logical Databases

Click on any LDB.


Now you can see tables in the structure.


How to check parameters in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>SET/GET Parameters


How to check authorization fields in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Authorization Fields


How to find change document object in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Change Document Objects


How to find the BADI in SAP?


SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>IMG Activities





SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Enhancements>Classic BAdIs (Def.)



How to find message and application area of it in SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Message Classes

Click on any class and you will be able to see all messgaes.



How to check number range object in the SAP?

SE80>Materials Management MM >Purchasing MM-PUR>ME Purchasing>Number Range Objects


There are various methods to find this information within SAP, but the one I've mentioned above is the one I favor the most.


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