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SAP Customer Checkout Receipt Date and Time in SAP B1


Hi All,

I want to make sales report from SAP B1 but due to late posting of invoice in SAP B1 i cannot make report from From time to To time. Is there any column in Invoice which has the information that at what date and time this transaction is posted in Customer Checkout ?

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Hello farrukhfsk ,

You can use the following in B1:

  • DocDate --> Date only, when the transaction was created in CCO
  • CreateDate, CreateTS --> Date and time, when the transaction was posted to B1

Unfortunately, the information about the time of the transaction in CCO is not posted to B1 as far as I know.

You can use the following approaches instead:

  • Query the "CustomerCheckout" database that is being used by B1IF. I believe in the table RECEIPT you will find the BUSINESSTRANSACTIONDATE which is a timestamp including date and time. You can query that from within B1 if they are on the same server and you give DB permissions accordingly. Note you may have to convert the value to a readable format, both HANA and SQL have functions for that. See for manual conversion.
  • Extend the B1 integration scenario so the time (or timestamp) is saved to a UDF in B1
  • Query the CCOM database instead. It, too, will have the BUSINESSTRANSACTIONDATE I believe you are looking for.

I hope these solutions help you.

