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SAP CDC | UI Builder - Email field

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I write in the SAP Community regarding an SAP CDC - UI Builder topic.

I have created a Screen set where I have added an Email field. (Textbox > input Type = email) - sap-cdc-ui-builder.png

This field comes with certain rules:

  • Follwing characters are not allowed: ",£,é,à, etc...
  • @ is needed

But some characters that are never accepted by email provider can be added in this field, such as: ',(),$,?...
(Tested ran on Gmail, Yahoo, Yopmail)

Here are my questions:

  • Is there a way to change the rule of the email field in the UI Builder?
  • Is there a risk in the background process to have email adress with the above special characters?

Thanks in advance,


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There are two ways to change regex validation for email field:

1. Account Schema level. - It will be applicable at the database level and hence for all type of interaction with CDC i.e. WebSDK, ScreenSets, REST APIs etc.

2. By UI builder enforcing regex using JavaScript. - This will be applicable only for the screen sets where it has been applied.

From CDC side there is no as such impact of you would add additional validation, but you would need to make sure that you downstream systems connected to CDC should also support the same format.


Kumar Gaurav

0 Kudos

Hello Kumar,

Thanks !

I see now that I can change the regex validation from the account schema.
