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How To Stop Auto Save while clicking End Transaction Button in Ic_agent Buss Role

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My Requirent :-  

     In Ic_agent Bussiness Role, while clicking End Transaction Button it will go to home page at the same time saving document with madatory field and all empty. Because of this big issue going b/w vendor and my organization everymonth end payment for service kilometer they travelled. our organization using 6.0 crm version. i was trying to stop saving by writing code ORDER_SAVE Badi, but it is stopped saving and same screen while user fill all mandatory fields while clicking save no navigation at all. Please Provide some solution for this problem.



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Hello, Anbu.

Let me jump into your discussion and suggest to look at the following point.

The actual code which prevents in IC (at least in CRM 7.0 and subsequent) to leave mandatory fields of Interaction Record empty is in CL_ICCMP_BT_BTSHEADER_IMPL (component ICCMP_BTSHEAD view BTSHeader) in method IF_CRM_IC_PREPARE_FOR_CALLBACK~EXECUTE. If the veto is raised there then the saving process is stopped. Also it's possible to register own listeners and implement IF_CRM_IC_PREPARE_FOR_CALLBACK according to your needs but if additional requirements exist.

Please also refer my answer in some other discussion:

So I'd suggest to check if there is the similar logic in 6.0 version as far as I do not have an access to such system.

If the method in place then the next step is to debug it and see why it doesn't work.

Hope this will help you.

Former Member
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what even you suggested is very help full for me. In Auto navigation Method. i just reset Bol issue is resolved.

