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How to retrieve the Process type selected in Service Order

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Hi all,

I have to set a different configuration based on the Process type of Service Order.

When the user selects Create a Service Order, a pop up shows up (configurated by customizing) where it shows differents kind of Process type. Based on the option choosen, I need to to set up differents configuration (DO_CONFIG_DETERMINATION) but I don´t know how to retrieve the data selected.

Could you help me with this please?

Thanks in advance.


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Former Member
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Hi Fernando,

You dont need to do any coding in Do config determination. Just create a new configuration of the over view page with object type as the Process type.

When u will select the process type from the options given in the popup , the system will search for the matching object type in the available configurations and shows that on the UI. If none is available it shows the configuration with the object type as <DEFAULT>.

Hope this helps.

