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Former Member
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Hi Folks, I have the following code to Export into CSV file and it is all working fine, I just Need the last part where I can get the Content of the Media model and put it into CSV file, thanks for help

       FileInputStream stream = null;

         stream = new FileInputStream("C:/export.impex");
         int content;
         while ((content = != -1)
             // convert to char and display it
             System.out.println((char) content);
     catch (final FileNotFoundException e2)
         // YTODO Auto-generated catch block

     } // read your impex
            final ExportConfig exportConfig = new ExportConfig();
         exportConfig.setScript(new StreamBasedImpExResource(stream, "UTF-8"));
         final ExportResult exportResult = exportService.exportData(exportConfig);

         if (exportResult.isError())
             throw new ImpExException("Error exporting CSV file");
         final ImpExMediaModel mediaModel = exportResult.getExportedData();
         final CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new File("C:\\outlook.csv"), "utf-8");
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Former Member
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        final ImpExMedia scriptmedia = ImpExManager.getInstance().createImpExMedia("test_mediaexportscript");
         scriptmedia.setFile(new File("C:/export.impex"));

         final ExportConfiguration config = new ExportConfiguration(scriptmedia, ImpExManager.getExportOnlyMode());
         final Exporter exporter = new Exporter(config);
Former Member
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I was able to solve it and Export success with the above code. using API only

Former Member
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the Content of export.impex file

"#% impex.setTargetFile( ""output.csv"" , true );" insert_update Buch;pk[unique=true];barcode;title "#% impex.exportItems( ""Buch"" , true);"