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Errors synchronizing articles managed by Sap Customer Checkout Manager

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Dear all,

I am trying to use Sales Articles with components so I can have in table or fast sales mode a way to select the modifiers for a dish or something like that, so I create and article with type generic or sales set to prove them both, but whenever i try to synchronized them in the CCO but everything I got is the next issue message, so none articles can be synchronized.

INFO - Articles with type [STANDARD, VARIANT] are being fetched from Customer Checkout manager

2019-05-15 15:47:37,123 [loadAllDTOFromExternalSystem] INFO - Could not find translation for key 'ERROR_CODE_DATE_FORMATE_ERROR' and locale 'es' 2019-05-15 15:47:37,124 [loadAllDTOFromExternalSystem] FATAL - REST Service execution error ERROR_CODE_DATE_FORMATE_ERROR

I already check the option in the CCO configuration to manage articles from the manager.

I would apprecciate if you could tell me what is the correct way to create and use this kind of articles as there's no so much information about it or if there is any kind of trouble if I had syncronized articles from B1 before (As I was in test mode I delete all test data and the same issue pop up when i try to make the synchronization proccess)

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Dear Nasmiye,

Please, check the version of SAP Customer Checkout and SAP Customer Checkout Manager, both systems should run in the same release and FP.

For further information, refer to KBA 2743373

And in this link, you can find some information about the Articles.

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