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CRM 3.0 mobile - adjust the Activity search

Former Member
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Hi there,

I your help. I'm trying to adjust the Activity Search, especialy the search result in oure CRM 3.0 mobile scenario.

The tile actseatcha2 und actlista4 are the main tiles. In the searchlist actlista4 I need 2 more checkboxes, which only displayes if there is an activity Journal or an Attachment as Link.

So because this is a list generated via a business querry, i need a function which fills the checkboxes during the querry, or afterwards with the right values. chekced if there ist an activity reporting, unchecked if not and for the other checkbox the same with the attachment as link.

If you have an Idea please let me know.

Special greets

Christian Rodemeister

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Easiest way to do this would be to write a piece of code in actlista4's onRowLoaded event. For each record, you can write code to fetch right values (depending upon activity guid) and populate the checkbox accordingly.

While adding checkbox on the list tile, you should keep them "unbounded". Then you can populate them using code by writing something like...

If your condition met then

columns(ctrlzchkbox.bookmark) = true


columns(ctrlzchkbox.bookmark) = false

end if

You will find similar standard SAP code in MSA.vba, have a look at them & write your own logic.

Hope this helps.



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Dear Kaushal,

thanks a lot for your quick answer.

I just tried to fix my coding, but the tile actlista4 doesn't provide me the onRowloaded event. Is it the same as onload?

Or do I have to change another option first?

Kind regards Christian

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onRowLoaded2 event should be available with GRID, not tile. This event is called for every datarow displayed in list tile.

It is not same as onLoad event of tile. Both are totally different.



Former Member
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Hi Kaushal,

thanks a lot. Your answer solved my problem.

First I had a small problem, but know it's working fine!

I revarded you 6 and 10 points.

Again, many thanks.

greets Christian