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In this blog post you find questions and answers around the open channel integration with SAP Marketing Cloud.

I implemented the enhancement (5) Open Channel: Define Template for Outbound Interaction, but the interactions are not written. What could be gone wrong?

Answer: It might be that the ID is wrong, because the ID used for writing the interactions has to be the ID as specified by the ID_ORIGIN.

For example, when your enhancement contains the following line, the framework expects SAP ERP customer ID:
template-id_origin = 'SAP_ERP_CUSTOMER'

You could try to implement the enhancement (4) Open Channel: Enhance Payload for Data Transfer to set the right identifier:
LOOP AT target_group_member_status ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_target_group_member_stat>).  
" Replace the given identifier by ID_ORIGIN specific identifiers
IMPORTING ET_CONTACT_FACET = data(lt_contact_facet) ).
READ TABLE lt_contact_facet ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_contact_facet>) WITH KEY id_origin = 'SAP_ERP_CUSTOMER'.
<ls_target_group_member_stat>-communication_id = <ls_contact_facet>-id.


The code snippet demonstrates only how to replace the identifiers!

Another solution would be the following coding:
LOOP AT target_group_member_status ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_target_group_member_stat>).
READ TABLE target_group_member_data ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_target_group_member_data>)
WITH KEY tg_member_key = <ls_target_group_member_stat>-tg_member_key.
IF sy-subrc eq 0.

ELSE. “// No dynamic content found
<ls_target_group_member_stat>-interaction_type = <your interaction type>.
<ls_target_group_member_stat>-failure_reason = <your reason>.


Interactions are only written when the enhancement (5) Open Channel: Define Template for Outbound Interaction has been implemented.

If you have NOT implemented the ELSE loop, keep the following in mind:

The business logic sets the interaction types and optionally also the reasons.

The process message only contains the node TargetGroupMemberAttributeData It might happen that the figures under, if dynamic content has been found based on an assigned export definition.

If you have implemented the ELSE loop, keep the following in mind:

Interactions are written with the interaction type and reason defined in the coding (ELSE loop) if dynamic content was not found.

In case dynamic content has been found, the business logic sets the interaction types and optionally also the reasons.

The process message only contains the node OutboundId (and subsequent nodes) if dynamic content is found based on an assigned export definition. Only target group members with dynamic content are send.

How to process interactions in the SAP system using the Open Channel integration combined with trigger-based campaigns?

Answer: With this code snippet you can, for example, access any interaction columns in the open channel integration and process them further by forwarding the information to SAP Cloud Platform.

Note that you use any further descriptive information for trigger-based campaigns, such as column INTERACTIONCONTENT, in the enhancement (4) Open Channel: Enhance Payload for Data Transfer.
" Define some new fields to the message
attribute_name = 'Trigger Interaction'
attribute_type = 'Edm.String' ) TO target_group_member_attributes.
attribute_name = 'Interaction Content'
attribute_type = 'Edm.String' ) TO target_group_member_attributes.

" Add the content for both fields
APPEND VALUE #( tg_member_key = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_key
tg_member_interaction_contact = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_interaction_contact
tg_member_interaction = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_interaction
attribute_id = 'TRIGGER_INTERACTION'
attribute_value = <ls_target_group_member_stat>-tg_member_interaction ) TO target_group_member_data.
IF <ls_target_group_member_stat>-tg_member_interaction IS NOT INITIAL.
SELECT SINGLE interactioncontent FROM i_mkt_interaction INTO @DATA(lv_content_data) WHERE interaction = @<ls_target_group_member_stat>-tg_member_interaction.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
APPEND VALUE #( tg_member_key = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_key
tg_member_interaction_contact = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_interaction_contact
tg_member_interaction = <ls_target_group_member_data>-tg_member_interaction
attribute_id = 'INTERACTION_CONTENT'
attribute_value = lv_interaction_content ) TO target_group_member_data.



What went wrong, when the figures of the campaign performance don't match?

Answer: Performance for your open channel campaign don't match. A reason for this mismatch could be that the interaction types aren't used in a consistent way.

The Open Channel Interactions tile represents the sum of all outbound and inbound interactions. For example, you have sent out 156 emails and 134 of them are opened. The figures shown are then as follows:

  • Delivered Messages: 156

  • Opened Messages: 134

  • Open Channel Interactions: 290

To get consistent figures for your open channel campaign performance, such as the delivered messages, we recommend using also the interaction types in a consistent way. When you use, for example, the interaction types EMAIL_OUTBOUND and EMAIL_OPENED in your integration, the tiles Delivered Messages and Opened Messages show the correct numbers. This is also valid for tiles with calculated figures, such as Opened Messages in %.

For more information about the calculated figures, see Aggregated Success Data from Interactions.

Which URL shall I use for SAP Cloud Platform integration flow?

Answer: Each SAP Cloud Platform system provides multiple nodes. It is important to select the runtime node and not the tenant management node. The URL is visible in CPI Operations View Manage Integration Content. Then select the integration flow.

For more information, see also Runtime in Detail.

Why do not I see any error messages for my wrongly implemented HEAD and GET requests?

Answer: The open channel functionality sends a http HEAD request followed by an http POST request. It depends on the implementation of the integration flow, whether the HEAD and GET requests are handled properly and doesn’t lead to any error messages while running the iFlow.


Where can I find more information about the Open Channel integration of SAP Marketing Cloud?

Answer: More information about the open channel integration can be found in the SAP Help Portal under > Implement > Integration Guide, and then search for Open Channel.
0 Kudos

For question, I implemented the enhancement (5) Open Channel: Define Template for Outbound Interaction, but the interactions are not written. What could be gone wrong?

I am facing the same issue now, though I have implemented the above-suggested implementation.

(1) Open Channel: Define Implementations

APPEND VALUE #( implementation = 'ZOC_EXPORT'
implementation_name = 'Genysys Calling Data'
icon_name = 'message-popup'
icon_url = '' "
communication_medium = 'GENYSYS_CALL' ) TO implementations.

(4) Open Channel: Enhance Payload for Data Transfer

LOOP AT target_group_member_status ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_target_group_member_stat>).
IMPORTING ET_CONTACT_FACET = data(lt_contact_facet) ).
READ TABLE lt_contact_facet ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_contact_facet>) WITH KEY id_origin = 'SAP_C4C_BUPA'.
<ls_target_group_member_stat>-communication_id = <ls_contact_facet>-id.

(5) Open Channel: Define Template for Outbound Interaction

template-id_origin = 'SAP_C4C_BUPA'.
template-interaction_type = 'OUTBOUND_GENYSYS'. " This is a customer defined interaction type
template-communication_medium = 'GENYSYS_CALL'.
DATA: lv_campaign_id TYPE cuan_initiative_id,
lr_oc_header_attribute TYPE REF TO cuan_s_oc_header_attribute,
ls_campaign_root_api TYPE cuan_s_campaign_root_api.
READ TABLE header_attributes REFERENCE INTO lr_oc_header_attribute WITH KEY param_name = if_cuan_mkt_orch_constants=>sc_open_channel_header_attr-campaign. " CAMPAIGN
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
lv_campaign_id = lr_oc_header_attribute->param_value.
ls_campaign_root_api = cl_cuan_campaign_helper_api=>campaign_root_read( EXPORTING iv_id = lv_campaign_id ).
IF ls_campaign_root_api-priority EQ cl_cuan_campaign_helper_api=>co_priority-high.
template-interaction_type = 'OUTBOUND_GENYSYS'.
template-interaction_type = 'OUTBOUND_GENYSYS'.


I am not sure where i am wrong in this. Could you please let me know. Thank you.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Bashkar,

I just saw that you created an incident for the issue above. I think that this is the best way as it is difficult to get the complete context without checking in the system.

Best Regards

Isabelle Thoré, Product Owner SAP Marketing Cloud.
0 Kudos
Hello, experts!
Peale help to find solution.
We have request not use Export Definitions in Open Channel.
Users doesn't want choose Export Definition in UI Operations in Campaign.
Export definition NULL in UI give us empty payload.
How we can to exclude it via BAdi?
Thanks and BR
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Andrey,

Could please explain what you want to do then with Open Channel? What is your use case exactly? It would be helpful to provide more details on what your are trying to achieve, so that we can maybe find an alternative.

Best Regards

0 Kudos
Hello, Isabelle!
Everytime when enduser create campaign with OC Operation he must to enter Export definition.

If Export Definition is empty the Payload is empty too
Like this

Our end users think that choice everytime Export Definition isn't very  comfortably.
We know how to check empty Export Definition and display error for users.
But we agree with endusers. Define Export Definition every time not necessary. We want help end users end add Export Definition via badi on ABAP level.
Is it possible?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Andrey,

I believe that you can achieve what you want by implementing the (3) Open Channel: Define Global Settings for Execution. See online documentation under Changing Parameter. The export definition can be changed to set the value you want to use. User can leave the UI field empty, since the BAdI would fill the value for the export definition to use.

Best Regards

0 Kudos

Hello, Isabelle!
Thank for revommendation. 
May I ask you to check our ABAP (3)?

    READ TABLE header_attributes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_field>)
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 .
<fs_field>-param_value = '27'.

UPD: we think that main problem in (4) Open Channel: Enhance Payload for Data Transfer. Because

target_group_member_data is empty, that why Payload is empty too. 

We missed something.
Do you have any notice for as?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Andrey,

May I suggest that you use the community question for SAP Marketing Cloud, where you also posted the same request Empty Export Definition in Open Channel | SAP Community, instead of this blog? There are more experts that follow the questions.

Best Regards

0 Kudos
Hi Isabelle,

Thank you!