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RFBIBL00 - checking document

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

I've written a custom program to read data from an input file and park an FI document (FBV1) using the standard load program (RFBIBL00) in "Call Transaction" data transfer mode. Before actually parking the document, we call RFBIBL00 with the "Check file only" flag to validate the data. If an error is found, we display the errors so the user can correct the input file before parking again.

The problem we are experiencing is that RFBIBL00 does not seem to perform all validations in "Check" mode. For example, if the user prepares an input file with a Fiscal Period that is closed, this error is not captured when we run RFBIBL00 in Check mode. However, when we attempt to park the document, we see the error show up.

We would like to avoid having custom logic to perform these standard FI validations (ie. looking up in open periods in T001B)

Any suggestion on how we could better use the check feature of RFBIBL00?

Many thanks for your input!

- Suresh


Former Member
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The check file option is only used to check that there aren't gross errors that would cause the batch input session to stop being created (invalid table, etc.)

So, unless your not sure that the file is formatted correctly, this really won't help. Normally, you run the file and fix any errors in the batch input session.



Former Member
0 Kudos

The check file option is only used to check that there aren't gross errors that would cause the batch input session to stop being created (invalid table, etc.)

So, unless your not sure that the file is formatted correctly, this really won't help. Normally, you run the file and fix any errors in the batch input session.
