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Data maintenance in a table of delivery class S

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If i have to maintain en entry in a table with delivery class S (System table, maint. only by SAP) , can i do it in any client

or only system maintenance client.




Former Member
0 Kudos


There are the following delivery classes:

A: Application table (master and transaction data).

C: Customer table, data is maintained by the customer only.

L: Table for storing temporary data.

G: Customer table, SAP may insert new data records, but may not overwrite or delete existing data records. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report RDDKOR54 here).

E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries. The customer namespace must be defined in table TRESC. (Use Report RDDKOR54 here.)

S: System table, data changes have the same status as program changes.

W: System table (e.g. table of the development environment) whose data is transported with its own transport objects (e.g. R3TR PROG, R3TR TABL, etc.).

Behavior during client copy

Only the data of client-specific tables is copied.

Classes C, G, E, S: The data records of the table are copied to the target client.Classes W, L: The data records of the table are not copied to the target client.

Class A: Data records are only copied to the target client if explicitly requested (parameter option). Normally it does not make sense to transport such data, but is supported to permit you to copy an entire client environment.

Behavior during installation, upgrade and language import

The behavior differs here for client-specific and cross-client tables.

Client-specific tables

Classes A and C: Data is only imported into client 000. Existing data records are overwritten.

Classes E, S and W: Data is imported into all clients. Existing data records are overwritten.Class G: Existing data records are overwritten in client 000. In all other clients, new data records are inserted, but existing data records are not overwritten.

Class L: No data is imported.

Cross-client tables

Classes A, L and C: No data is imported.

Classes E, S, and W: Data is imported. Exisitng data records with the same key are overwritten.Classe G: Data records that do not exist are inserted, but existing data records are not overwritten.

Behavior during transport between customer systems

Data records of tables of delivery class L are not imported into the target system. Data records of tables of delivery classes A, C, E, G, S and W are imported into the target system (this is done for the target client specified in the transport for client-specific tables).

Use of the delivery class in the extended table maintenance

The delivery class is also analyzed in the extended table maintenance (SM30). The maintenance interface generated for a table makes the following checks:

You cannot transport the entered data with the transport link of the generated maintenance interface for tables of delivery classes W and L.

When you enter data, there is a check if this data violates the namespace defined for the table in table TRESC. If the data violates the namespace, the input is rejected.

Hope this information is useful to you.


Vinodh A