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Repeat Time dimension in row & Colum axis in BPC 10.0

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I am using the BPC 10.0 version and need to resolve a conflict. I have the dimension "TIME" in the ROW axis. However, I want to add the "TIME" dimension to the COLUMN axis as well. How do I do that? Please help.


------------COLUMN1---COLUMN 2----COLUMN3----COLUMN4

(ROW 1) 2016.Q1 NET SALES 100,000 ?????(<<--2015 or say Prior Year)


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Active Contributor

There is no equivalent of CELLKEYRANGE in EPM.

In general EPM functions are absolutely different compared to EVDRE functions. There is no magic conversion of EVDRE reports to EPM (only very simple reports can be converted). In 99% of cases you have to create EPM from zero. And you need a good EPM training to create complex EPM reports.

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I have already told you that "It's impossible to have one dimension both in row and column axis of the same report"

Same for BPC 7.5, 10, 10.1

You have a strange report - why not to move quarters to column axis???

If you still want to have the existing layout you have to:

1. Use multiple reports

2. Use =EPMRetrieveData(... in local members (slow!)

Former Member
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Thank you for your response. I am not familiar on how to use EPMRETRIEVEDATA. Could you write me the formula?

Also may I know when can EPMDimensionOverride & EPMAxisOverride be used ?

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Sorry, but I am not providing online EPM training!

Just read help:

And may be something here:

I will answer only specific questions.

Former Member
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In my org they use the CELKEYRANGE (Evdre) for displaying the comparative years in the column axis

Former Member
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I wanted to know if there is an equivalent to CELLKEYRANGE in EPM ?

Former Member
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Thank you.

Former Member
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In my org they use y-o-y and month-on-month comparison and hence this format. Currently they are using BPC 7.5 and I see that in these reports that they have created another report in a similar format outside the main report. Just wanted to know if there is a better way in BPC 10.0 to do it without creating another report by using EPMAXISOVERRIDE or EPMDIMENSIONOVERRIDE.

I have attached the formats done in EVDRE to get a clearer picture on how it is done in EVDRE. IN BPC 10.0 we are mirroring the same info by creating another report.

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You have already selected your answer as Accepted 🙂

Former Member
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I am sorry. I seem to have accepted the answer by mistake.

Former Member
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In my org they use y-o-y and month-on-month comparison and hence this format. Currently they are using BPC 7.5 and I see that in these reports that they have created another report in a similar format outside the main report. Just wanted to know if there is a better way in BPC 10.0 to do it without creating another report by using EPMAXISOVERRIDE or EPMDIMENSIONOVERRIDE.

I have attached the formats done in EVDRE to get a clearer picture on how it is done in EVDRE. IN BPC 10.0 we are mirroring the same info by creating another report.

Active Contributor
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It's impossible to have one dimension both in row and column axis of the same report!

You can try to solve your issue with multiple reports, but I do not understand the strange idea...

Do you have different time members in rows? Can you show a bigger test report...