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Create Meter Reading Results for multiple registers

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0 Kudos

In the MeterReadingResults entity, there is a structure for dependent meter reading results

I've been trying several iterations of input data to try & allow the creation of meter reading results from this service, for multiple registers at a time, & had no success in structuring the data.

However when stepping through the code,

* 1. Map deep request structure to internal tables for meterreading     

there is a method to take the dependent results, & map them to a single table for update in the database.

When I enter a dataset in debug, the multiple entries are saved successfully.

the relevant code block I am trying to structure my input to match is

* map result and dependent results to one table                          *

MOVE-CORRESPONDING is_meter_reading_result_deep TO ls_meter_reading_result.
APPEND ls_meter_reading_result TO lt_meter_reading_results.
APPEND LINES OF is_meter_reading_result_deep-dependentmeterreadingresults 
TO lt_meter_reading_results.

the structure I am using successfully for a single reading is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<entry xml:base="http://magic:8000/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZMAGIC/" xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="">

 <category term="ERP_UTILITIES_UMC.MeterReadingResult" scheme=""/>

 <content type="application/atom+xml;type=entry; charset=utf-8">

  <m:properties xmlns="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:d="">











Is there any advice on where to insert the dependantMeterReadingResults so I can update mutliple registers of a device in one call?

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Hi Daniel, in order to perform this you would need to use relation dependentMeterReadingResults from MeterReading to MeterReading.

Sample payload to give you a hint:

<link href="MeterReadingResults(MeterReadingResultID='61853',DeviceID='10022778',RegisterID='001')/DependentMeterReadingResults" rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" title="DependentMeterReadingResults">



<title type="text">MeterReadingResults</title>






<content type="application/xml">










<content type="application/xml">












<content type="application/xml">







I modified the payload to get rid of system URLs but I hope you get the idea.

Best Regards, Yevgen

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks Yevgen, I will work through the hint. Thanks for the insight.