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Producer Workflow

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SMEs are using Producer to create content. When master authors assign a task to SMEs, how do SMEs get notified ? I know that they can check out assigned projects in Producer, but I don't understand how does the workflow works (for example when they complete the task, can they notify master authors again ?)

Thanks for helping out!

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There's two distinct things, here. Firstly, as Michael notes, depending on the Notification settings, the person a content object is assigned to can receive an email notification when that assignment is made. So you can set the Status for a content object to (e.g.) Ready for Review, and set the Assign To to John Doe, and John Doe will receive a notification. You don't need to use a 'Workflow Process' (capitalized to identify it as a specific thing) to do this. This is what you will probably do when you assign a content object to a SME - use Assign To and they'll get the notification. But again, you don't need a Workflow Process for this.

The second thing is the actual Workflow Process itself. These are defined in Manager, and can be automatically assigned to content objects created within the Workarea. The Workflow Process controls what statuses a content object can have, in what order, and who can advance the object from one status to the next. One of the other things you can do is define 'Watchers' to a specific 'transition' (from one Status to the next). So, for example, you can say "always notify John Doe every time the status of a content object goes from In Progress to Ready for Review.

However, there is a limitation in that you can only identify individual users as Watchers. You cannot define a Role as a Watcher (for example, to say 'inform all Master Authors when the status of a content object changes to Ready for Review'). You can assign multiple Watchers - or even a dummy User that is actually the email address of a Shared Mailbox, but this would consume a license. (There is a Customer Improvement Request to allow assignment of objects (and Watchers) to a Role or OU.)

The other problem with Watchers is that 'anyone who ever touches a content object' will be recorded as a Watcher for that content object. And once you're a Watcher, you will always get the notifications - even if the object is no longer assigned to you. You can remove Watchers from an object, but only from Manager. And you cannot remove the original creator (again, there's an Improvement Request in for this).

My guess is you are not using an actual Workflow Process. (And don't be fooled by the Change Workflow option in Producer - that is not exclusive to Workflow Processes. If you do want to use Workflow (which, honestly, is not necessary just to assign objects to SMEs and then back to Standard Authors), like Michael says, it's probably best to get in an "experienced SAP Consultant". Like me. 🙂

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Lynn,

In Manager your SME should see the "Tasks" drop down option in the header (next to "Administration").

Here they can select "My Tasks" and should see all open tasks and assignments. Please make sure your SMEs (role) have at least the Permission: Tasks: View & Tasks: Edit

You could also additionally work with (Email) Notifications:

As an Administrator in the Manager go to Administration > Server Settings.

1. Navigate to Notification

2. Notification at assignment > User-defined or Always. (If User defined is selected the person who assigned something to the SMEs needs to check the "Notify Watchers" option in the change workflow dialog proactively.

Hope that helps you,

Best regards, Michael

0 Kudos

So, in this scenario if the master author selects the "notify watchers" option, then the author and the SME will get notified by email or only the SME users ?

Also, is there any specific manual on how to set a workflow with producer? I checked the SEN200 where they explain the workflow with instant producer, but havent been able to find anything strictly related to producer. I just wanted to see how the final version of a project gets approved at the end (or is this not possible in producer)).

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Lynn,

my understanding is that you can design workflows in the Manager and can there add "Watchers" for each status.

The defined status from the Manager should all appear also in the Producer.

If this is maintained well, the assigned SME/Author + the added Watchers like specific roles or users gets notified if a certain status is selected + the Notify Watchers option.

I think you will find in the Handbook SEN200_EN_Col2011 at page 303 also instructions how it works in Producer.

As this is a quiet complex topic usually customers doing this initial setup with an expirianced SAP consultant together.

Hope that helps,

Best regards, Michael