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0 Kudos

dump for lv_layout-expand_fieldname = 'EXP'.

what should i pass to alv?

An exception has occurred in class "CX_SY_DYN_TABLE_ILL_COMP_VAL". This exception was not caught in procedure "FB_OUTTAB_SORT2" "(FORM)" or propagated by a RAISING clause. Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this exception, the current program was terminated. The reason for the exception occurring was: The reason for the exception is: There is an invalid value in table "\FUNCTION-POOL=KKBL\FORM=FB_OUTTAB_SORT2\DATA=LT_SORTBYTAB", row 1, component "NAME". In the present case, the condition flagged below has been violated: (" ") Addition AS TEXT can only be used for character type fields.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The fieldname EXP is numerical ?

0 Kudos

I really like this downvote without comment.

Just for the info :

1554096 - ALV sorting: Sorting numeric fields in descending order

0 Kudos

Why do you all guys care about votes? (and why shouldn't we explain an upvote)

The votes are not for you, they are for future visitors.

I downvote because an answer which is just made of the question "The fieldname EXP is numerical?" is not an answer, I think it will not help the OP. Even the note 1554096 you mention in the additional comment is not interesting without a comment explaining what this note brings to the OP issue.

I'm a fan of Stack Overflow, all this is explained in details, and votes don't have to be justified because the concept is to have many voters. Of course SCN voting is not very interesting because only very few people vote.

The votes are not for you, they are for future visitors.

And, so, we have no idea for the moment of the real cause of the issu, but you downvote answer you think are not good ? I am sorry but for me, it is like giving the score without knowing the good answer.

And yes, I don't wrote the full explanation, because a lot of time we do not have the full information during the question, and I do not want to loose time, if the potential solution is not in the good direction.

I am totally disagree with this kind of downvote

0 Kudos

Well, there's no official guideline about what means voting, so it's up to anybody to choose what means "good or bad". Worth noting, there's this sentence from Gabriella Gogl-Gyorgy about the intention of SAP concerning the SAP Community voting feature: "We’d also like to provide an opportunity for good answers climb to the top. As a general community member you can help decide whether an answer is useful or not and vote it up or down. Items having the most votes will appear on the top to help us to find information faster."

What is important is to have the most interesting answers at the top (even if the top answer has -1 vote, and other answers have -2). The most important thing is to have many voters, no need to understand the reasons of people to vote +1/-1 (unless the concept of the vote is misunderstood). It's like democracy. If people want an answer to appear at the top, they will upvote it. It isn't fair to condemn the only person who voted. Why not complaining about the persons who don't vote, or about upvoting low-quality answers, etc. Hopefully, it's not an actual topic because it has no actual interest (I'd be happy if the vote system is removed, for now I use it because it's how the SAP Community Q&A currently works).

Active Contributor


try passing field name in CAPS, some cases we face this issues though it is not case sensitive.

and check the link - field catalog in ALV

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Please attach the full short dump and your code (as a minimal reproducible example).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Active Contributor

Hello nick99999

As mentioned earlier, it would be a lot easier to find the issue if you had attached the images of the short dump and your code (formatted using the "Code" feature of forum editor). Right now it's guessing based on what you provided.

My guess would be - you have some sorting set, this sorting is incorrect in some way. This may be related to the NAME column or to addition "AS TEXT" in relation to a non-text field.

But that's just a guess.

Kind regards,