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my xsjs service taking more time to generate result if db result contains morthan 2 lakhs records

0 Kudos
this is my xsjs if my db result morethan 2 lakhs then its taking 3- 4 mins but db result executed with 88 ms  . kindly help me with this . due to this my ajax calls also returning no response from service 
thanks in advance

var connection = $.hdb.getConnection();
// var businessDate = $.request.parameters.get("businessDate");
// var  FSDPTables=$.request.parameters.get("FSDPTables");
// var SourceSystemID=$.request.parameters.get("SourceSystemID");
// var CountryCode=$.request.parameters.get("CountryCode");
// var IDSystem=$.request.parameters.get("IDSystem");
// FSDPTables=decodeURIComponent(FSDPTables);

if(CountryCode==="KR" && SourceSystemID==="MX2KR")
function formatCOBDate(rawDate) {
	// var str = rawDate;
 // var res = str.substring(0, 10);
	var date = new Date(rawDate);
	var day = date.getDate();
	if (day < 10) {
		day = "0" + day;
	var month = (date.getMonth() + 1);
	if (month < 10) {
		month = "0" + month;
	var COBDate = day + "/" + month + "/" + date.getFullYear();
	//var COBDate = date.getFullYear() +"-"+ month +"-"+ day;
	return COBDate;

 //businessDate = businessDate.split("/").reverse().join("-");
var businessDate="2019-12-31",

try {
	var resStatus = {};
	resStatus.statusCode = 0;
	resStatus.status = false;
	resStatus.msg = ""; = "";
	var sqlQuery = "SELECT  \"COBDate\"," +
		"\"SourceSystemID\"," +
		"\"CountryCode\"," +
		"\"ErrorCode\"," +
		"\"FSDPTableName\"," +
		"\"SourceKey\"," +
		"\"SouceColumnName\"," +
		"\"FSDPColumnName\"," +
		"\"ErrorMessage\"" +
		"FROM \"::ErrorRecord*****\"" +
		"(placeholder.\"$$IP_Date$$\"=>'" +businessDate + "',"
		+ "placeholder.\"$$IP_Tables$$\"=>'" + FSDPTables + "',"
		+"placeholder.\"$$IP_SourceSystemID$$\"=>'" + SourceSystemID + "',"
		+"placeholder.\"$$IP_CountryCode$$\"=>'" + CountryCode + "',"
		+"placeholder.\"$$IP_IDSystem$$\"=>'" + IDSystem + "')";
	var result = connection.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
	if (result.length > 0) {
	resStatus.statusCode = 1;
	resStatus.msg="Data Retrived Successfully";
	resStatus.status = true;
		for (var i in result) {
		result[i].COBDate = formatCOBDate(result[i].COBDate);
	} = result;
	} else { = "NO DATA FOUND";

} catch (err) {
	resStatus.statusCode = -2;
	resStatus.status = false;
	resStatus.msg = err;
} finally {
	if (connection !== null) {

$.response.contentType = "application/json";

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You can improve the performance if you let the HANA DB do the formatting of date by creating a calculation view that does the date formatting. Then in your XSJS logic, you just have to query from the calculation view you have created. This technique is called code push-down. I'm referring a blog here that uses ABAP as runtime, but the principle is the same for XSJS runtime. Here's the blog: