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Being a Integration Developer, its very common as we lookout for shortcuts while creating artifacts:).If lot of custom integrations are involved in SAP CPI obviously, we will look out for easier way to configure the steps or reuse some of the configuration parameters from other integration projects.

Below blog will help you to explore those shortcuts in Eclipse Tooling using "Save As Template"

Lets go through the process in detail.

Case 1: Reuse of steps with as is configuration .

Lets take an example of content modifier with below configuration.

Step 1:

Right click and select 'Save As Template'

Step 2:

Template will be stored in Eclipse Work-space Folder in .fst format

Step 3:

Right click on any Content Modifier and load the previously saved template to have all the configured header,property and body ( visibility not restricted to integration project but restricted to Eclipse Workspace)

Above functionality works for Content Encryptor,Message Signer,Content Modifier,Converter,Sender Channel and Receiver Channel steps

Case 2: Creation of integration template with predefined configured steps.

Step 1:

Create a Integration flow which needs to be saved as template.In the below case I have created integration project with basic steps including Error Handling  ( refer my blog on Exception Sub process ) which I want to use as template for my rest of interfaces.

Step 2:

Now click on File and follow below steps

Step 3:

Give logical name to template and select Retain the externalized parameter(s) if you want to retain the external parameter of above IFlow to template.

Step 4:

Now navigate to Eclipse folder from where you have opened the eclipse and template file will be created there.

Step 5:

Lets see how we can use the above saved template while creating new integration projects.

Create a new integration project with valid integration project name and click on Next

click on User Defined Templates and you will be able to locate the template which we created in earlier step.Click on Finish


You will be able to see all the above predefined steps of template auto populated in new IFlow.


  1. Its easier and quicker to configure the new IFlow with predefined set of fully configured steps.

  2. Reduces manual effort of configuration ( more likely with SF/mail Adapter configuration).


  1. Save As Template option with Integration Project Steps is limited to Workspace and user scope.

  2. It works only with Eclipse Tooling.


Very useful option which eases out effort of Developer for quicker development with considerably less efforts.


Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat

Former Member
Good blog and very useful Shri. Thanks for sharing.
Former Member
Thanks Sri for sharing.

Active Participant
Hi Sri,

This is great. Thanks for sharing. It would be even greater if community starts sharing these templates on something like github. That way a lot of folks can  make use of, improve, contribute their own as well. Kudos for the blog.
Active Contributor
Hello Pankaj,

Thanks for the suggestion.Will initiate uploading templates to gihub soon.


Active Contributor
Hi Sri,

Thanks for sharing ..


Former Member
That is really helpful. Thank you Sriprasad.


Best Regards,

Harsh B.
Thanks for the detailed blog Sriprasad !!
Former Member
0 Kudos
Nice Blog..!!..Thank you Sri Prasad..



Tibin Joseph

0 Kudos
Well articulated! Thanks and keep blogging



0 Kudos
Hi Sri, Nicely explained. One question about this feature in WEB UI. Currently, Eclipse is retired for SAP CPI development, is this feature available in Web UI?


Thanks & Regards,



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hello Sudha,

This feature is not yet available in webui.


Sriprasad S Bhat

0 Kudos
Hello Sriprasad,


Thank you very for sharing. I have a question. Up to now, eclipse can be used to work with CPI? I have tried to set up but I have had many issues. Could please share which release is working for you?


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