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So a few months ago Sefan Linders wrote this blog about the Command Line Interface for SAP Datasphere. It helped me solve a problem that we had at our current client, but it also made me curious of what else I could do with both the CLI and the hdbcli package that is available for Python. I started to develop scripts that could be used to automate some of the tasks that I had to do on a regular basis. 

I quickly realized that these scripts could help out a lot more people, but it needed some kind of front-end to be more easily accesible. So I started working with PySimpleGui which is a Python Library that makes it easier to create GUIs. I incorporated the scripts that I built earlier into this GUI to make this all available to other SAP Datasphere Admins. With the upcoming birth of my 2nd daughter I knew I had a deadline to get the major part of the project finished before the end of February (she is to be expected in the first half of March). Thankfully, I can say that I managed to do that, and that today marks the day of the first release of A Better Admin Program for SAP Datasphere (there is an abbreviation joke in there, yes)! Oh, it is free to use by the way. 

So what does A Better Admin Program for SAP Datasphere currently offer: 

System Monitor

The System Monitor shows you the running statements in your SAP Datasphere tenant in real-time (it sort of replicates SM50 from SAP BW). From the System Monitor you are able to cancel processes when they are stuck (or have too much of an impact on your system). There is even an option to completely log-out a user for emergency purposes. 

System Monitor.png

Performance Monitor

In the Performance Monitor you can see the performance system historically. By default 10 minutes of history is shown, but you can expand this if you like. By clicking the refresh button the program will get the latest CPU / Memory from the system.

Performance Monitor.png

User Management

In the User Management tab you are able to easily copy a single user to a new user or to multiple new users. You are also able to simply remove a user, or a multitude of users from your system. 

User Management.png

Same Tenant Transporting

In the Same Tenant Transporting Tab you can easily transport non-graphical views from one space to another in the same tenant. You can easily add views to a transport list, or you can provide a file with all views that need to be added to the transport list. The program will then take care of the conversion and will transport the views to the chosen space. Unfortunately this does not work for graphical views at the moment, as the Command Line Interface does not accept it. 

Same Tenant Transporting.png

Cross Tenant Transporting

Works the same as the Same Tenant Transporting. Makes it possible to easily deliver a file with views that needs to be transported from tenant A to B. 

Cross Tenant Transporting.png

Where to get it?

So the tool is absolutely free to use and can be obtained from my GitHub page. There is a Python variant (where you can literally see everything that I built) and an executable variant. 


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, feedback or maybe feature requests. You can reach me via my Github Page or my LinkedIn 

Active Contributor

Hello @kostertim,

That's a great innovation! Thanks for sharing it.  The abbreviation joke is a good one 🙂 Let's try: A Better Admin Program for SAP Datasphere (ABAP for SAP Datasphere 😉)

Congratulations to your all family for your 2nd daughter. Hope you all do well.  


Active Contributor

Hello @kostertim 

This seems to be a really helpful tool... especially the system monitor (like SM50).

As of now, many things that happen during data extraction are a black box for me 😞

Even if I already imlemented many S4 notes for the ABAP Pipeline, I still don't understand may lines in the flow logs.

This kind of administration console is something I would expect a cloud product to provide out-of-the box... not with additional customer effort.

Well done!

BR, Martin


Hi @kostertim

In the latest release of SAP Datasphere, the creation of the client application in SAP Datasphere has changed. Now we need to provide a redirect URI. However, the Datasphere CLI (and subsequently your ABAP Program), does not support this. So it seems currently, it is not possible to connect.

Did you experience the same?



Active Contributor

Hi @arnefeys,

FYI - @Thibault_dockx has just asked the same Unable to connect to Datasphere using the CLI 


0 Kudos

See my comment below. 

0 Kudos

Haven't managed to get it running either since the changes to the oAuth Client in Datasphere. Neither with API access nor with Interactive. Curious if anyone finds a solution.


I have updated the scripts to get it working again. 

Make sure that you use this for the Redirect URI: http://localhost:8080


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

@kostertim Great! Thanks for sharing the solution.

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