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EmbeddedMapView (beta) slow whene more of 10 points are shown - and how to get the user gesture?

0 Kudos

Hi guys, i'm trying to use the EmbeddedMapView (beta) in order to draw some icons that represents our charging points, when i use IOS, there is no problem, i can draw more than 1000 icons and everythings works without any issue.

The issue comes with Android: if i draw more than 10/15 icons, all devices (even the most recent and powerful) becomes sluggish, they become unresponsive and the app will become unusable. How i can solve this issue?

Also, how i can intercept the user gesture that "moves" on the map? actually i've managed to use the "tap on map" gesture, but it's not very usable...


Please let me know.



0 Kudos

Hi, I'm also trying to use the embedded map control, but am in COMMUNITY version, as an instructor. Is there a still a "Visual mapping" solution or component I can using Community BuildApps? (Fingers crossed 🙂  ) Since you are already using the mapping control I thought you might know. Thanks and good luck with your issue, too.

Dave G