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Purchase Requisition missing in SO item schedule line

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missing-pr.jpgWe create Purchase requisition automatically upon SO save. After Upgrade ERP EHP7 SPS21 we see cases where Purchase Requisition is not created. The field Purchase Requisition number in SO item, tab Schedule line is blank, however there is a purchase requisition item. The SO is complete.

There are 2 types of issue:

1. PR doesn't exist in tables EBAN, EBKN (logically also not in VBEP)

2. PR exists in EBAN, EBKN but not in VBEP

We have searched through OSS notes without success. All ideas will be highly appreciated.

The config of the schedule line category is:

Sched.line cat. ZF Sales shdline frw

Delivery block

Movement Type

Movement Type 1-Step

Order Type NB Purchase requisition

Item Category 0 Standard

Acct Assgt Cat. C Sales order

Update Sched. Lines No Update

Snapshot of the schedule line is attached.

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The issue exists only in SO create mode and in limited cases. In debug it is seen all data looks correct, however at Save the PR is not stored correctly. Seems an issue with the timing of the SO item and PR save (the PR save overrides the SO item save ?).

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In addition we see one SO item is linked to 2 different Purchase requisitions in EBKN

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Hello Teodora,

Have you solved this issue? We meet the same situation with you. After the upgrade of EH7 SP26, the PR is always missing randomly in third-party sales order...

It is so weird. 

Looking forward to your good idea.