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Consider Customer Consignment Stock in Classic MRP as Available stock MD02,MD04

Hello All,

Recently we have a requirement for considering the customer consignment stock as available stock in MRP planning .

I know that the special stock is not considered in MRP. Assuming that it is a existing element therefore tried to use BADI-MD_CHANGE_MRP_DATA method CONSIDER_CUSTCONSIGNMENT to Influence that MRP considers the CCS as available stock i have done below changes.

  METHOD if_ex_md_change_mrp_data~consider_custconsignment.
    ch_no_exit = abap_true.
    ch_changed = abap_true.

While running the MD02 and MD04 the BADI itself it is not triggering, i don't what mistake i have done here .

I also tried with BADI -  MD_ADD_ELEMENTS method ADD_CHANGE_ELEMENTS the with changing parameters CH_COPY_MDPSX,CH_CHANGED to X in this case the Badi got triggered but no value changed in MD04 .

Notes referred - 2012620,301681,3256475

I have attached the screenshots for MMBE and MD04

for example we have customer consignments stock 480 unrestricted stock and the same need to appear in Md04 available stock highlighted below

Can someone throw some light on this topic it would be really helpful, thanks 

tagging for better reach MAN Production Planning (PP) SCM APO Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS) MAN Material Requirements Planning @Caetano @annadurai_kalaiselvan@ 

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


If you are using an S/4HANA system, then BAdI MD_CHANGE_MRP_DATA is no longer called. This BAdI was called when the MRP elements were being read from the database, and this logic was pushed down into HANA, so this ABAP BAdI is no longer relevant. 

BAdI MD_ADD_ELEMENTS is the correct one to be used in this case, and you should be able to manipulate the MRP elements using it. What was the logic you implemented in the BAdI?


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Hello Caetano,

Thanks for the quick response .

Before Writing a logic we are checking that in this method - ADD_CHANGE_ELEMENTS and parameter - CH_COPY_MDPSX that the Qty's for MRP Elements  for KK(Customer consignment stock ) are available but in run time we are getting  only qty's for IW(In plant Shipping Notifications),LE(Schedule Line),SD SA(External Service Agent),VJ(Delivery),WB Plant Stock as the KK qty is not coming in the parameter therefore we are not able to proceed ahead for writing custom logic to get as available stock in  MRP MD*

I think this MDPS is already getting filled before it reached to the BADI @Caetano

To identify the CCS Stock we are able to identify with MSEG_Qty Strings(BUSTM) separately  

Our Goal would be to Consider the existing available stock + Customer consignments stock Upon this the MRP should carry out with planning



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hello Charan

Yes, when this BAdI is called, the internal table MDPSX is already filled, and you need to implement your own logic to read the consignment stock and add it into MDPSX.
Unfortunately, there is no method like CONSIDER_CUSTCONSIGNMENT in this BAdI.


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Hello Caetano, I have added the logic in method- CH_COPY_MDPSX for MRP element - WB will be summing up with MSKU_KUVLA after Changing the available stock appears okay but the MRP element VF(SD SA external service agent) all the line items changing to 480
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I really can't tell what is happening here without a deep analysis in debug. You need to discuss with your ABAP developer and review the code that is being executed in debug.
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Hello Caetano,

I have done some code changes then it worked now we can see the Customer consignment specific stock as available stock .

Below code is for plant specific logic and customer specific material.

  METHOD if_ex_md_add_elements~add_change_elements.
*& User             Date          Revision code                        *
*& -----------      ----------    -------------                        *
*& <user ID>       <>   <RFC>                                *
*& EXTMARM         17.04.2024     3000012056                           *
    DATA lv_active        TYPE zca_func_active.
    CLEAR lv_active.
    CALL METHOD zcl_ca_func=>get_act_data
        iv_enhancement 'ZEI_MM_ADD_ELEMENTS' " Enhancement (Technical Name)
        iv_function    'PLANT_INCL'          " Function of Enhancement
        iv_werks       im_mt61d-werks
        ev_active      lv_active.
    IF lv_active EQ abap_true.
      SELECT SUMkulab )
            FROM msku
            INTO @DATA(lv_kulab)
        WHERE matnr @IM_mt61d-matnr
          AND werks @IM_mt61d-werks.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT ch_copy_mdpsx ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_copy_mdpsx>WHERE delkz 'WB' .
          <fs_copy_mdpsx>-mng01 <fs_copy_mdpsx>-mng01 + lv_kulab.
        ch_changed abap_true.

Attached this code it might be useful for some one else.

Thanks Caetano for assistance.

