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When working with SAP systems, it is fundamental to need / verify user email addresses for various purposes. Whether it is to send Automated Notifications, facilitating communication between users, or Generating Reports, having accurate and up-to-date email addresses is crucial. However, extracting the email address from SAP system is not as easy as we think. In this blog post, we will explore the simplest method to extract / find email addresses of users from SAP Standard tables.

Note : There is no direct transaction code or program to extract email addresses of users

How are we going to achieve it?

The primary table that stores user information in SAP is USR21. This table contains User Master Data, including Personal Numbers (PERSNUMBER) associated with each user. To retrieve email addresses, we will link this table with the address data table ADR6.

What is USR21?

USR21 is a standard table in SAP ERP system that assigns User Names and Address Keys.

What is ADR6?

The ADR6 table in SAP ERP system is a standard table that stores email addresses (Business Address Services) for any address record.

Procedure to Extract Email Address from SAP Tables

Execute table view transaction code: SE16 -> Enter Table Name : USR21 -> Execute

Provide the list of User ID(s) through Multiple Selection for BNAME -> Execute


Copy the list of Personnel Number (PERSNUMBER) for the users


Execute table view transaction code: SE16 -> Enter Table Name: ADR6 -> Execute

Provide the list of Personnel Number(s) through Multiple Selection for PERSNUMBER -> Execute


SMTP_ADDR column of ADR6 table will provide the list of email address for users


SAP also offers to extract the list into Spreadsheet from this screen

 Tip : Ensure to select ALV Grid Display in User Specific Settings at initial screen of ADR6


What are other options?

Another approach for SAP S/4HANA is to leverage the built-in Core Data Services (CDS) view.

Table : PUSER002 can also be used | BNAME = UserName | Ensure column SMTP_ADDR is visible

Word of Caution

Avoid Unintended Disclosure

When querying SAP tables, be cautious not to inadvertently disclose email addresses to unauthorized users or external sources.

Limit access to relevant personnel and follow proper authorization procedures.

Remember, accurate and secure email addresses contribute to smooth business processes and effective communication within your organization. Handle them responsibly, and always prioritize data protection.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to comment on this blog. Happy SAP querying!

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