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Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Over the decades, SAP customers and partners have adapted and grown -- and SAP technologies and strategies have changed with them. SAP Community has done so as well, to ensure we match the needs of our members and keep pace with the evolution of online communication and interaction.

For 20 years, what is now known as SAP Community has been the premier destination for customers, partners, and others to share and gain knowledge, connect, and improve. From SAP Developer Network (SDN) to SAP Community Network (SCN) to SAP Community, we have always sought out new opportunities to introduce online platforms that best support our members as they seek to get the most from their SAP investments.

We laid the groundwork for our most recent iteration in 2023, and after more than a year of planning, investigating, discussing, and researching, we have concluded our latest journey with the launch of the newest SAP Community platform today.

On January 16, we announced the migration to this new platform, but preparations began months prior to that. My team and our colleagues worked tirelessly to get ready to migrate content and users from the legacy community.sap.com platform into the groups.community.sap.com platform, creating a single community.sap.com destination. And before migration even began, we weighed each possibility carefully, made no decision lightly, tested scenarios thoroughly, and communicated frequently -- so our members knew what was happening when and why. And before we moved anything, we conducted user testing and held focus groups to ensure we remained on the right track.

Once migration began, we still had to contend with hundreds of thousands of users and 30 million pieces of content -- maintaining our focus on the best possible experience in the best possible new home for our members and their information.  

I'm sure many of you have done migrations and implementations, so you can just imagine the implications of moving that much material. We spent hours upon hours on scripts and additional steps to ensure data consistency and verification along the way.

The process ran amazingly well considering the sheer volume of what we were dealing with, but we did have a few hiccups along the way -- as is often the case with projects of this magnitude. Early in the project, we ran into an issue with user merging that required us to restart the process, and reindexing of content took longer than originally anticipated, leading to additional delays. 

If you were already a member of the community Groups, launched in October 2021, you may already know your way around the platform. If you're experiencing the new platform for the first time, we think you'll find it intuitive and settle in quickly. In either case, we did publish several What's New posts to help you understand how some key functionality differs from the legacy platform:

 As you can see, we've been busy sharing and documenting everything as quickly as possible. We're also in the process of updating our help section, and, in the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the new platform and its features by taking the new Tour of the Community tutorial.

You'll find some things are the same compared to the previous platform. For example, you can still go directly to feeds with the latest content with your favorite tags , as well as access content from the topic pages. (Tag feeds and topic pages received redesigns, but they still function the same.) You can subscribe to tags, get content via RSS feeds, or simply browse and review.

You'll be able to access the Topics area from the top navigation. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with these navigation selections:

  1. Products and Technology: These eight major categories individually include Q&A, blogs by members, and blogs by SAP, to help you find and interact with the subjects most important to you.
  2. Groups: These special community sections allow you to connect with peers in a variety of locations, chat with like-minded members about common interests, search for new job opportunities, and join educational activities to grow your network and learn useful skills.
  3. Topics
  4. Events: Broken down by a variety of event types, this section gives you the ability to subscribe to get event updates, RSVP for events you want to attend, and interact in activities covering a multitude of topics and interests.
  5. What's New: As the name implies, this blog board will help you stay informed about the latest in SAP Community -- with posts exploring new developments, strategy updates, and program announcements shaping the future of our community.
  6. Help

Those options cover the basics for finding and consuming content, but if you want to contribute content, you'll find entry points for asking questions, starting discussions, and writing blog posts on locations throughout the site -- including many of the areas mentioned above. 

For those who have been with us for a while, you should find everything you are looking for and more. That said, we know any change can be tough, and we will do everything possible to make you feel at home in your new home. We will continue to offer our monthly calls throughout the year to help answer questions, provide guidance, and listen to your feedback. We will also conduct additional user testing, because while we are excited about the new platform, we know there's always room for improvement -- and we're looking forward to exploring these possibilities with you!

We are currently collecting all of your feedback and will be responding but please give us time to ensure things are running as expected.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

"We are currently collecting all of your feedback ..."

Where can we submit bugs and feedback?


Is there a timeline for when the retagging will be done? I am pretty frustrated with the amount of  retagging required tags I am finding on articles/blog posts/Q&A/etc. The usability of the search functionality has essentially been nerfed until the retagging is done. Tagging used to make it that I could google a question and find an answer on the SAP community as the tagging done was sufficient. Now I can't even find helpful articles/blogposts that I thankfully bookmarked in my browser using logical search prompts in SAP community.


I don't see any feedback link or email mentioned. Nevertheless, I believe some aspects require attention and enhancement to ensure a more optimal user experience.

1. Large headers for every page:

  • Be it a blog post, an answer, or some discussion, the page headers are too big. The large headers/titles and empty spaces on each page, such as those for blog posts, answers, or discussions, seem to dominate the screen, making it necessary to scroll significantly to reach the main content. (E.g., with this page the header "What's New ... Stay informed about the latest..." )
  • It would greatly enhance user experience if there were a smaller section designated for feedback on the right panel of every page or a subtle pop-up in the lower right corner. This would provide users with a convenient way to share feedback and suggestions.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Where do I see my draft content? I worked on a new blog post for several hours and now it's gone. Nowhere to be found. Vanished....

EDIT: the drafts are available at the bottom right of the "My Content" section. Still, despite saving numerous times, my draft was almost empty... 😕

Active Contributor

"We laid the groundwork for our most recent iteration in 2023, and after more than a year of planning, investigating, discussing, and researching, we have concluded our latest journey..." "we weighed each possibility carefully, made no decision lightly, tested scenarios thoroughly, and communicated frequently -- so our members knew what was happening when and why. "

I am frustrated about SAP not learning from their mistakes. I guess some or most people who worked on the migration in 2016, are not working on this one. The current site is as unusable as the previous one was right after the migration. At least for Q&A, and perhaps for blogging as well. So I am having difficulties understanding why we have to ask for all that functionality all over again. I would think there is some sort of log or documentation about all the work SAP did the last time around, based on all the feedback they got then. And if there is, then why was that not taken into account during the planning? And if it was, then why is SAP not clearly communicating, that all that missing functionality is in the pipeline with some semblance of a time frame?

"You'll be able to access the Topics area from the top navigation. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with these navigation selections..."

This navigational design appears to be standard out of the box, and the community has been forced into that mold. It certainly is not intuitive, and at the very least it is so far removed from  the logic of the previous iteration, that the majority of the users either can't find anything, or they post content in the wrong place? area? topic? Just look at the ABAP Development tag:


Questions have been posted all over the place, and it is impossible to tell which one was right. Not to mention that the excessively broad information "Technology Q&A" adds zero value to this list.

Take a look at this post for example: Re: How to prevent Excel from deleting leading zer... - SAP Community. It is clearly a question, but the interface is not that of Q&A. At the same time there is no way of telling where this was posted, or what it is. Is it a blog, question, discussion, topic, area, idea, article, or some vague new meaningless word?

The classic SAP answer is probably that the user should have read this blog (question, discussion, topic, area, idea, article, or some vague new meaningless word?). They made the mistake, because it can't possibly be that SAP chose an extremely obfuscated design.

"For those who have been with us for a while, you should find everything you are looking for and more."

You should have chosen a design closer to what people were used to. I have been with the community since 2006, and the only thing that was easy to find was the tag that I am interested in. "And more" you say? This "more" is likely only interesting to users who already knew where to find it. It is crowding the information that I am interested in though.

"We are currently collecting all of your feedback ..."

A central place or tag for this purpose would make everyones life, including the developer's, a lot easier. Choosing not to use the Continuous Influence session for the Community anymore, I do not understand. I understand that you would think that existing ideas there are longer relevant, but a lot of these ideas actually explain why certain functionality, that was dropped again, is needed. At the very least, you could create a new session, or maybe archive all existing ideas.

By the way, what is this?

Johan_H_2-1706786017333.pngNobody can reply to this, so this element makes no sense. A universal interface for all content types would certainly make it easier for everybody to know who is talking to who, about what. So please, don't just delete the element, but rather implement an interface that will make the element relevant.

Sorry for the long rant, here is a picture of a potato:






Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

All our blogs which are migrated to new platform now when we look at it… it's not looking good and a lot of white spaces in every paragraph… lot of images are missing...  Difficult to find through tags.. it's been incorrectly assigned.

Moreover, it's too difficult to find the blogs which are written by us and unable to search through blog subject.

We agree, it needs more to have proper look and feel of the new platform, 🙂 hoping things will be sorted out faster.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

^ Same issue for me. Spent a lot of time creating custom HTML for TOCs and feature matrices to help our customers and partners understand our product and now it all looks very bad. The platform adds like 30 breaks before the table.

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 9.05.57 AM.png

Worst, I can't edit to fix anything because the new editor rejects my custom HTML. Strips it all out and breaks the links and tables. 

I just want to know if I should try to edit dozens of posts to "fix" them within the new constraints or is someone working on the backend to fine-tune the formatting and get rid of the bugs. I've seen no communication on these issues.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Retagging required:
Retagging associated with migration is complete. Any “retagging required” tags on the content now are user tags meant to track older items that could perhaps in the future be provided with appropriate managed tags using automation.
Re Googling a question:
While tags are part of the information Google uses to find answers to questions, they are not the main driver. Almost all content that was retrieved prior to migration by searching in Google should be retrievable now, with the caveat that the web crawlers may still be crawling and processing all the pages post migration.
Re: Searching for helpful articles/blogposts:
Could you provide more information on the kinds of “logical search prompts” you are using in the SAP Community search? We may be able to address your issue better with more information.

Active Participant

I seriously feel SAP wants to save money and drive ppl away from the community site so that they can shut down the platform finally and invest that money on RISE 🙂

The #sapcommunity is thriving on LinkedIn and I feel this mis management will push more of us to LinkedIn and away for the new community.sap.com

Forgot about large white spaces, we will get use to it, in the same way we adjusted to the previous move from SDN and SCN.

The  fact that we cannot find blogs in crongogical order is a deal breaker. See the randon list below and the blogs are not getting sorted on "most recent". I think the bugs need to be fixed on highest priority otherwise there is no hope.

1st post 10 hrs ago,

2nd post 6 hrs ago.

3rd post Monday ( so almost 6 days ago)

and 4th post 19th Oct 2020 ( 3 and half years ago!!1)


simple asks:

a) a page to see all the blogs posted in coronogical order

b) a page to see all the questions in coronogical order

c) dont mix blogs and questions, there is not need to split between members and SAP ( what is the added value?) unless SAP blogger are actually markering or  officals ( simlar to help.sap.com)

d) the way the community is divided needs someone with a PhD to understand. Can some one make it simple enough for any layman to understand! I understand SAP is very complex but there is no need for the community to enfore Transaction code level complexity.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @dhawal_patil :

As we reported last year (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/update-to-processes-for-reporting-bugs-and-requesting-improv...), we'll announce plans for gathering improvement requests at some point this year. 

Beyond that, we'll continue to capture the feedback that has been coming in via these comments, email, social media, etc.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @svenhuberti:

Sorry if you lost content. Per this post https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/what-you-need-to-know-about-blogging-post-migration/ba-p/309... I find it's best to look for drafts in the Groups/Boards where you saved them. Not sure if that would make a difference, but please try and let us know if you were able to recover content. If not, please reach out to us directly if you keep losing draft content, just in case it's due to a bug.

Kind regards,



Hi Jerry, Craigh, 

Would it be possible to create some additional groups (or boards) for specific tools/solutions? For me it feels like EVERYTHING is now grouped under the Technology Board... For my topic area (Analytics) there are already so many flavours: SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Datasphere, BW, HANA, BOBJ, data visualisation, etc. etc. So for me it would be logical to have at least something like an Analytics board/group with subsections for these tools/topics. 

In the previous community I managed to get around by just using a couple of RSS feeds on certain tags to get the relevant blogs. But, this morning I learned from a post on RSS feeds that there is absolutely no way to split blogs and Q&A posts within tags on the new platform, so I'm looking for other options...


0 Kudos

Hi All,

Where can I find my saved bookmarks now?


Fabiano Rosa

Active Contributor

@fabianorosa it's down a few levels: settings -> subscriptions -> my bookmarks. Screenshot_20240206-081628_Chrome.png


0 Kudos

Thanks Jim, I can see My Bookmarks, but I'm missing all saved bookmarks from the previous community!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

@fabianorosa yes, that's too bad.

"Although the groups community has bookmarking features, the people.sap.com bookmarks won't be migrated.)" https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/get-to-know-your-post-migration-profile/ba-p/308061

We need the time machine to go back and export our bookmarks...

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @yogananda:

Thank you for the feedback. We did address issues related to the formatting in some internal comms, and I'm preparing something now for What's New, which might also address some of your other points. 

RE: incorrect tagging -- can you please give an example? While you may disagree with the category for where the content appears, no tags should have changed from the previous system to this one. (If you mean categories: It's important to remember that most members will find content through tags and search, not on the category level. The category is needed because the content needs a home, and those categories do tie SAP tags, etc., to an overall community taxonomy. But they're not as crucial to the consumption of content.)

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Happy to see that the platform is evolving...and as after every move, it takes some time till everything is settled.

Just two little things, probably already addressed...why is there no proper name field? Not a big fan of the user names on top of the blog posts.

Secondly, screenshot or picture readability was already an issue on the old platform which most people got used to fixing with an easy workaround of making the images clickable to get a bigger and better readable version of when needed. How's that working the new platform? Was seeing a lot of blog post where the images were not really readable.

Last but not least, kudos for all the effort and hard work everyone is putting into the community. Really love this place!

Active Contributor

Craig, this is what "new and improved" community now looks like from a viewpoint of a regular community member: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOCo2jw9Uy4

I have a lot more feedback but I think ROE prohibits that type of language on SAP Community.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @xjhacking :

The solution here isn't to add more boards/categories. As I've explained in some other comments, these areas are meant to provide homes for content. Some members may consider them broader, convenient groupings for a variety of content, but we don't anticipate that most users will find content on this level -- except for very specific interest and location groups (which is a small portion of our content). Our visitors tend to consume content through search and tags, so that's where we want to focus improvements.

So, to your point (and as I mentioned here https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla...), we need to make it easier to find and sort content on the tag level. And that's the functionality we need to focus on first.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @wagener-mark :

Thank you for the kind words.

I cover profiles in this post https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/get-to-know-your-post-migration-profile/ba-p/308061, and I talk about username length in this post https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla..., but I don't think we're going to get to what you're suggesting.

RE: screenshots -- I think that's more of an issue with some posts that got migrated (no longer possible to click to them to enlarge), but all new images added to the new posts can be enlarged. Please see my latest post (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/the-impact-of-the-digital-services-act-dsa-on-sap-community/...) for example, as you can definitely click those to make them bigger.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

@jerryjanda thanks for the answer. It would be nice if the screenshot issue for the migrated blog posts could be fixed. In general, some of them are quite poorly formatted (e.g. this one - I would assume they looked better before)... also don't understand why 1/3 to more than 1/2 (depending on how far you scroll down) of the total width of the page is the background...the part for the main content is tiny...

Active Contributor

I was just waiting some weeks before I look deep into my over 50 blogs. They are still looking terrible and not readable any more with the current format. I just wanted to delete leading spaces in the blog and wanted to save it: "An Unexpected Error has occurred." A little bit more context to solve the error would be helpful, because no one will use tools/editors throwing such errors.

This kind of content migration and testing before going live should be one of the easier tasks, but it looks like nobody looked into this task with the need care. It is frustrating as content creator to see the work of days and weeks in the current format. Hopefully @jerryjanda or @craigcmehil will take care and help to get rid of this obviously creepy format and usability of the blogs.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-13 um 09.05.24.png



Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @jgleichmann:

I'm sorry, but as I reported here https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla... there is nothing we can do about the formatting.

I'm not sure if you're still experiencing that "unexpected error" message. I've heard from others that they're able to fix the problem by removing all of the SAP Managed Tags from the post, then adding them back again. But as I mentioned in that post (shared above), we're recommending that people not update their old posts, as editing them may end up creating even more issues.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi @jerryjanda @craigcmehil @jgleichmann @wagener-mark @Jelena 

I have below main 2 issues:

  1. All of my earned badges are gone, I am not able to see any apart from default once... Please help get them back on my profile.
  2. All of my Bookmarks are gone... Please help get them back, they were very Important and useful...




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @AbhishekSharma:

You asked the same question here https://community.sap.com/t5/questions-about-sap-websites/not-able-to-see-my-badges-after-recent-cha... and I answered there. Please don't ask the same question in multiple places or @mention members who can't assist you.

As I mentioned in that other thread, we're working to add back the badges that are missing. We need to work with our IT team on this, and we'll reach out to you when your badges are fixed.

RE: bookmarks -- We did communicate prior to migration that bookmarks wouldn't be migrated (https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/get-to-know-your-post-migration-profile/ba-p/308061), so I'm afraid that I can't assist you here.

Kind regards,



Can we please change "Show Replies" to "Show Replies (n)" where n is the number of replies?

It's unreasonable to expect the user to click on all the Show Replies links every time they visit a topic/question only to notice there are no replies. The next time they visit the same page, again they have to click on all Replies links to see if there are replies. 

It's the main user-centric design principle; think about the user when you're designing the UI.


0 Kudos

Also, the images don't seem to expand anymore. Are we supposed to right-click and open in a new window to be able to see the embedded images in their proper size?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@RaminS The functionality to expand images is still there. It may not always show in the migrated content (due to issues with the html), but for any new post created, images will expand when clicked. (See this recent question with an image as an example: https://community.sap.com/t5/enterprise-resource-planning-q-a/how-to-display-unrestricted-amp-qualit....) 



Thanks for the response Jerry. It's good to know new pages will have expandable images.

But I don't understand what you mean by "due to issues with the html". Did SAP not run conversion programs on the existing pages?

Did they do any testing on the conversion programs prior to release?

I'm sorry but I can't imagine any project committee approve a release when defects like this exist. It's a little unbelievable, especially from a company that keeps promoting user-centric, Design Thinking delivery methods. Did they forget their own methodology?





Active Contributor


small question... i try to generate a "blog" (based on the explanations / videos etc. on this platform).

But i get an error like: not enough  access right to go on.

This is strange... any idea? As i can still do "normal" posting (= ask a question)

Thanks: Due to the migration many blogs (old blogs) are now "corrupted"; and there seems no chance to do a repair (i could not find an "Edit" option.). Any idea?

Thanks. wish you the best.


0 Kudos

So from lack of response from SAP, are we to assume none of our feedback items are going to be considered?

I constantly miss things because of the elusive Show Replies links that hide important content on every page.