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Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting answers to questions is one of the primary reasons members visit SAP Community. If you participated in Q&A on our legacy platform, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with questions and answers on the new platform -- so you're ready to go in a few weeks.

After migration, you'll be able to ask and answer questions in a variety of ways. For example, you may want to enter a Q&A area directly by selecting the Product and Technology category relevant to your question:


From the menu above (once it's live), you'll see the following after selecting Technology (for example):


As you probably already guessed, you can get to the Q&A board by selecting Q&A. (Intuitive, right?)

From a Q&A board, you can ask a question by first typing it -- a step that should please those who prefer when members search for answers before asking anything. As you can see below, based on the subject of your question, you may be able to find helpful answers without asking a question at all! You just need to click the thread that most likely covers your issue.


If the recommended information isn't useful, just click the blue "Continue" button and you'll head into the question tool -- with your question's subject line already included:


The next steps are fairly straightforward. Enter your question into the body (make sure to add pictures to help other members understand what you're experiencing), select SAP Managed Tag(s) (at least one and up to seven) related to your question, then click the "Post" button. (You may also add user tags and, in some cases, select labels before posting.)

You'll find more information about tagging and Q&A in the Help section of the community groups, and we'll be adding more information in the coming weeks.

If you're not in a Q&A board, you'll still have opportunities to ask a question. From many areas within the site, you'll see a blue "Create a Post" or "Create New Content" button, depending on where you are. Clicking one of those blue buttons defaults to the tool for starting a discussion:


If you want to ask a question, you still can. Simply go to the "Selection Location" dropdown, then click "Show All…"


From there, you can navigate to areas where you can ask a question. You can, for example, select Technology Q&A (as shown below), and that triggers the same process where you enter your question subject and so on.


From any question thread within the community, you can also get started with the "Ask a Question" box on the right:


Once your question is live, members will be able to leave comments (if they require more details) or answer (if they know the solution). Here's an example of me doing all that by talking to myself in the test environment:


Depending on your subscriptions and notifications preferences, you'll be notified when someone responds to your question. Within the question thread, you'll be able to expand or collapse comments and answers/replies. You'll also be able to respond yourself and indicate when you've received a correct answer -- by choosing "Accept as Solution." (Accepting the correct solution is considered good community etiquette as it shows your appreciation for the member who assisted you, while also helping other members with similar questions -- as they'll be able to identify the solution to the same problem.)


Once a question has an accepted solution, the thread will update with a "Go to solution" link -- for the convenience of anyone who doesn't want to read through an entire thread looking for the best answer.


On the flip side of Q&A is answering, and as noted earlier, you can leave comments (if the question isn't clear), reply to an answer (to provide more detail), or answer (if you have the solution).

To find questions to answer, you can subscribe to areas that interest you (so you're notified when questions come in), or if you prefer to look around, you can keep on eye on various activity feeds throughout the community…


…as well as look for questions in tag feeds:


Want to drill down into the specifics? From any Q&A board, you'll see options to sort by all, open, and resolved questions, as well as by your own questions and answers.


Clicking on the "My Questions and Answers" link within the Q&A Dashboard will even take you to a page where you can show your questions or answers for a single board or all boards. Just make your selection from the "Show only" dropdown:


Whether you like asking questions, answering questions, or both, you'll have several options for jumping into Q&A in our new platform. Considering how much value community answers provide to SAP users everywhere, we look forward to your Q&A contributions when we finish our migration later this month!


Hi @jerryjanda ; thanks for your explanation. I guess, I will stop posting from now on. If I don't have control of my own content I am not willing to contribute. Just imagine a user by accident posts sensitive data (wrong screenshot) and hits enter and there is no way do delete this on your own. You just can wait and hope for the moderation team to delete it, but you cannot be sure it will deleted at all. And you don't know when.  Some of my content which was an answer to a comment looks now totally lost, useless and very strange, thanks to the migration. And now it will be there forever. The way I see it, SAP has more or less destroyed this platform, once again! Dumping almost everything in Technology Category is a really bad idea.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I know that it may not be a perfect solution but as we can still edit our own content we could delete or update what is wrong from the content and then add something like "[deleted/updated for this or that reason]", couldn't we?

Or is this also no longer possible, @jerryjanda ?

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @BaerbelWinkler:

Yes, you can edit comments.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


I have a doubt:
There is a way to find no answered question expecificaly for S/4Hana Cloud Public edition - Sourcing and Procurement?

I tried to do that but I just see a way find no answered question by clicking in ERP Q&A where I can finda questions regarding SAP S/4hana on-prem + S/4Hana Cloud + SME solutions and other enterprise resource planing (ERP) software.

When I use for example a TAG os sourcing & Procurement, it shows questions of all solutions that are related with the tag "Sourcing & Procurement", as example: Ariba question, on-prem question, etc...

I did not find a way to filter inside ERP Q&A for questions specifically regarding S/4hana Cloud, public edition - Sourcing & Procurement.

Can you help me?

Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @FernandaKlauck:

It's not possible to sort tags in the way you want, but you can use search to narrow down and filter content. Try bookmarking this search: https://community.sap.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?filter=includeQandA,openResponse,dateRang....

You can play with it if you'd like to finetune, but here's what I did: Searched for SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Sourcing and Procurement, filtered by Q&A (in type of post), used Advanced to find posts with no replies.

I hope that helps.

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks you Jerry. It helped me a lot!

Kind regards,



Hi Experts,
how can I search through posts only on the given tag?
For example, I would like to see all posts with phrase "dashboard" on SAP Managed Tag "C4C Analytics".
I know how to enter this tag, but from there I don't see an option to search only these posts.
Also, on previous Community, I could easily check many tags, like "C4C Sales" and " C4C Analytics" to search phrase "report" and view all posts, that contain phrase "report" and are tagged with one of those two tags.
Is it possible now?

Best regards,

0 Kudos

I am new to sap. i have sap logon on my desktop but dont have the login to practice servers. is there standard public server credentials i can use?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jerry, 

How do I find all the questions that belong to a specific tag for example SAP Business One? In the past, I used to select SAP Business One tag and answer question simply but now I can't find a way to have a look at all the open questions which belong to specific tags. 

If you look at the below screenshot, it shows I am in SAP Business One but none of the questions on the screen have SAP Business One tag. 




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @Abdul ,

We are experiencing a bug, which was already alerted in this post:

Please follow that post, as we will be providing updates there.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @Arun2024:

I don't think you're asking about SAP Community or about the topic of my post.

Since you're new to SAP and want to learn more, you may want to seek assistance in the Beginner Corner: https://community.sap.com/t5/beginner-corner/gh-p/students-corner.

I hope that helps!

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

Hello everyone, I need help can anyone share me a document or link for complete explanation of what asset GL technical clearing. 

Thankyou in advance for help & sharing knowledge. 

0 Kudos

Hi @jerryjanda, I think (not sure now) in the past it was possible to subscribe to search results. Now I only find an RSS feed. It would be nice if I could get a notification along with the other subscriptions about new matches to searches.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @su01:

I don't think you could subscribe to search results in the previous platform, and there are no plans to add this functionality to this platform.

If you don't want to use RSS feeds for specific searches, you could bookmark a search. That's a bit more manual -- and I'm afraid there's no subscription/notification involved -- but it might be a useful alternative for checking on new content via your favorite search criteria.

Our how-to videos walk through a variety of search scenarios: https://pages.community.sap.com/resources/how-to-videos.

I know that's not perfect, but I hope it provides some help.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @SK12:

Instead of asking your question as a comment on my post, please submit your question following the instructions in my post. That's the best way to get a solution to your problem.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos


I have written a blog and submit for review, how could I know the status? Seems I cannot find it in the notification center or in my content. Thank you


Best Regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

@paddyw So far, there is not a single location to see any/all posts. What I've learned is to go to the specific topic page, then to the blog component, and then you should see the draft status. It is a workaround to not having a coherent view of your own content.

Blog post draft counter = "0"Blog post draft counter = "0"

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @paddyw:

I was going to direct you to https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/what-you-need-to-know-about-blogging-post-migration/ba-p/309... (as I cover how to find drafts there), but @JimSpath did a great job of providing similar directions.

There is also an FAQ section about this topic (https://community.sap.com/t5/help/faqpage/title/drafts), and there are a few how-to videos that you show how to find drafts: https://pages.community.sap.com/resources/how-to-videos.

I hope that helps. If you have other questions about blogging, I'd recommend adding them to the thread for https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/what-you-need-to-know-about-blogging-post-migration/ba-p/309..., as your question is a bit off-topic for a Q&A thread. Best to ask blogging questions in that blogging thread. You can also ask questions about the community in this board: https://community.sap.com/t5/questions-about-sap-websites/qa-p/website-questions.

Kind regards,
