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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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I am Lakshmi, Supporting Movate Inc., and from Canada.


Vishalakshmi Namuduri

hello @vishalakshmi welcome! Great you are joining from Canada.

Did you already check out our Coffee Corner? Great starting point to interact with other community members casually! Enjoy!


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Hi everyone.
I'm from London, UK, and have been using SAP since 2005/6. Looking forward to contributing to this amazing SAP Community.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi  @jon19 wow! That is really a long time! Glad, you are now part of SAP Community, which is the largest online community around SAP topics. Check out the Interest Groups to find a group according to your interest and needs. Next up is SAP TechEd, which is also available virtually - I really recommend to join the SAP TechEd group to get information about all the sessions. Enjoy!


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I'm from South Germany. Living in Baden-Württemberg.

Bye and have a good day

0 Kudos

Hello @MichaelTe where exactly in Baden-Württemberg? Have you seen that there are some activities around SAP TechEd, the SAP Community "watch-and-code" meetups? They are all on November 3rd, and one is in Walldorf - it's a great opportunity to connect with other community members. Maybe it's nearby where you live.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Greetings from Roanoke, VA


Hi, I am Linda from USA and will be working on publishing a blog about Concur Web Services. 

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Hi @Linda_L you might want to explore our Location Groups in Americas to get to know and connect with other local community members. Maybe there is one group nearby where you live.


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Hello Everybody! Tuning in from Sydney Australia

Hello and welcome @MichaelTan - did you already join the Sydney group curated by @Murali_Shan ??
You might be interested to join the SAP Community "watch-and-code" party taking place there in parallel with SAP TechEd.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----


Hello everybody,

my name is Pavlo, now I am living in Los Angeles, USA. I am doing techno-functional consulting and ONESOURCE tax implementations.


hi everyone~ I'm Yixin.


I am from Slovakia.

Welcome @Miloš_Volek - good to have you here! Which SAP topics are you most interested in?

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Hello Everyone, I am Pramod from Bangalore, India. I will be writing a blog on the depricated automates.

Hello @Pramod_Mysore - good to know! Let us know when it is written!
Did you already join the Bengaluru group and the SAP TechEd group?

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Hi everyone,
Greetings from Poland 🙂

Greetings @Iwona100 - we have some location groups for Poland if you're interested to join there and connect locally - if you haven't already done so that is!

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Thank you, @Katherine_K , I'll have a look 🙂 


Greetings, everyone!

My name is Ahmad Antar, and I proudly serve as an ABAP developer based in Birmingham, Alabama. It's a pleasure to connect with you all through this SAP post. I look forward to sharing insights, experiences, and knowledge within the SAP community. Let's embark on this journey together and contribute to the world of SAP technology and development.

Best regards,

Ahmad Antar

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @ahmsam - thank you for the introduction. Did you take part in Devtoberfest contest this year? If not, be sure to join the Devtoberfest group and take part next year - it's an amazing event. You might also be interested to join the SAP TechEd group.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Thank you @Katherine_K, will give it a look for sure !



Hi @lauraschmitz , I am punitharaj from india I would be writing blogs related to sap analytics and data

Welcome @Punitharaj - hope you enjoy SAP Community. I'd like to share some useful links with you:

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Neethi here from Bangalore - India, a Central Finance SME and FICO expert. Looking forward to being a part of this community!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

@ND15 Welcome Neethi. Have you already clicked on "Join Group" over in the Bengaluru group? You could connect locally there and hear about or share local information. 
Have you already joined the SAP TechEd group? Will you join the SAP TechEd event in Bangalore in person, or virtually?

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Thanks @Katherine_K , I have joined both the groups and am really looking forward to SAP TechEd 2023 - I will be joining virtually!


Hi, I'm am from India and working in SAP in Germany.

Welcome @HrishikeshWagle - please feel free to take a look at our location groups - we have many for both Germany and India. You can click on "Join Group" in any of our public/open groups to connect and share information. Have you already registered for SAP TechEd?

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Hi all ,

I am Zeba and expertise in BTP and Integrations .


Welcome @zebashah - are you also writing blog posts?
You might be interested to join the SAP TechEd group, if you haven't done so already.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

From Versailles



Hi! My name is Richa, I am SAP ABAP Consultant with 7 years of experience in SAP Consulting and ABAP development. I'm looking forward to write blogs about my work related to SAP products, hoping they would help someone someday :). Cheers!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Great to have you here @Richa27 - if you love ABAP, did you already take part in the Devtoberfest contest this year? If not, be sure to check out the Devtoberfest group for next year.

----- Check out the SAP Community events today! Don't miss out on new insights. -----

Thanks for letting me know, @Katherine_K . I would love to participate 🙂

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi, I am from India. I have been trying my best to support the community with my knowledge and experience.




Hi Laura,

This is Hans from The Netherlands. Working as Business Analytics consultant for Plainwater


Hello @hansbouwers depending on where you are located in The Netherlands, I would like to make you aware of the SAP Community "watch-and-code" meetups. There is one in 's Hertogenbosch, NL, and one in Kontich, BEL - maybe it's interesting for you to join! Check it out and don't forget to register 🙂


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