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Blog It Forward – The Sequel

Thank you  katarina.fischer  for teasing the community about this little adventure 🙂

Hopefully many of you remember the BlogItForward challenge that was started in about 2012 by the wonderful moshe.naveh2 . This was based on ‘Pay it Forward’, where you do a good deed (buy someone a coffee, let someone ahead of you in line, donate to a charity) and good things keep happening.

Anyway, Moshe started the #BIF challenge, which invited members of the Community to tag someone they admired or were curious about. You could ask that person questions, from ‘What flavor ice cream would you be, if you were ice cream, and why?’ to ‘How do you think we contribute the most to the SAP community?’. Any questions will do as long as they are polite.

Image result for creative commons ice cream

The person who was tagging someone then filled out an entry in a table, linking their personal #BIF and tagging the person/people  they wanted to hear from. This started quite an interesting set of blogs! People you knew on the SAP Community Network were telling you about their lives and their careers, their countries and their hobbies, as well as what they enjoyed most about the SAP Community - both online and in real life!

As newly minted #SAPChampions, c436ae948d684935a91fce8b976e5aa7 and I were reminiscing about how much fun the original #BlogItForward initiative was.  We tossed around some ideas to get people engaged and reignite the Community spirit (I was really ALL IN on reworking a BlogItForward initiative as 'The Time of My Life' because, well, Dirty Dancing).  Now December is our time to salute the SAP community as craig.cmehil mentioned here so... let's get going!

We honor the community initiatives that came before, and embrace the new one, the Sequel!

We’d like to reboot the #BIF. This is how it will work....(the same as the original)


“Blog It Forward” structure template:

· Your blog title should be “Blog It Forward- Your Name”

. Choose the 'SAP Community' topic!

· Mention by whom you were blogged forward by and link to their BIF blog

· Add the #BlogItForward and  #BIF tag to your blog

· Provide an intro of yourself

· Share a fun fact about your country or yourself

· Add a cool picture of yourself or your homeland/town

· Answer specific questions that were “Blog It Forward” to you

· Answer 3-4 optional questions from the bank of questions provided below. Or choose to answer questions you make-up on your own.

· Create 1-2 personalized questions you would like to blog forward

· List at least 2  people who you are blogging it forward to. Share why you choose them. Link to their SCN profile by typing @  and then their name (e.g. @HisName)

Then, hopefully the people you tagged will also follow along.   And you know, you tag two friends, and they tag two friends, and so on...It’s like that bit from Wayne’s World  or, if you're a little bit more retro, it was in a shampoo commercial.

And here are some links to the original #BlogitForward for your reading pleasure.



Here are some questions you might want to use - but feel free to come up with your own!

  • If you were 20 again, what would you study?

  • How do you think the way you were raised affects your Career?

  • Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don’t know

  • Describe in one short sentence: “what need does your SAP solution meet”

  • Which 5 things do you absolutely want to achieve in life?

  • What is the best lesson your parents taught you?

  • If you could be a super hero (or are in your spare time) who would you be?

  • What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

  • What is your personal life dream?

  • What is your professional life dream?

  • Share an interesting/funny story related to your work

  • If you were given by your work a full day every week to do whatever you feel like, what would it be?

  • Recommend resources of information that helped you in your work

  • What do you imagine or predict is the future of your topic? (Mobile, Cloud etc., be creative be daring, be entertaining)

  • Do you know any other cool/very unique solutions related to your topic?

  • Name the person who affected you most in your career/ way of thinking and why?

  • What do you think are the key elements for a successful project?

  • What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

  • If you were not in your current position, what/where would you be and why?

  • What do you most enjoy about the SAP Community?


I'm really looking forward to learning about our amazing community members.   I feel that we all have interesting stories to share, and reasons why we participate in the SAP Community - whether it is online or in person.

In order to get the ball rolling, I am going to #blogitforward to a couple of people, in the comments below.

Oh, and while we are having fun with *community*, check out 02697040d5824f4a9d8fb38b1a40074f challenge here!

I wonder if people will find videoing themselves more fun than blogging?  Have Jim and I been set up in our own challenge?


[EDIT] including a screen shot for help choosing tags!

[UPDATE Feb. 18, 2020]  Thanks to our amazing Community team (oddss caroleigh.deneen  to name just two) there is now a badge for #BlogItForward'ers.

It's lovely .......Blog It Forward (BIF).... #blogitforward
Active Contributor

I would like to #BIF to c436ae948d684935a91fce8b976e5aa7 c.hebbert and kirill.pogrebnyak .

My questions to each of you are:

  1. If you could be a superhero (or you are, and we don’t know about it yet) who would you be, and why?
  2. What is the most fun project you’ve ever participated in, and why was it fun?
  3. Will you participate in the 29 Seconds Video challenge?
Fantastic initiative. I'm really looking forward to this! ?
Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi susan.keohan !!!!

How exciting! I really enjoyed the Blog It Forward journey and the friends I made. I met my wife a week after Blog It Forward started and I'm sure it's related.

Looking forward to reading all the new BIFs.


Active Contributor
This should be a lot of fun 😄
Its really interesting. I will also looking forward into it.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
okay... you're on my list.... blog coming....soon

Active Contributor
By the way, folks...  You don't need to WAIT for someone to BIF you!

You can write your #BIF Blog, and post the link to it here in the comments, and you can also tag someone you'd like to know more about!

So maniprasath_73 and 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a Don't be shy 🙂  Feel free to lead the way, and make it easier for those members of the community who may need your encouraging examples!

0 Kudos
susan.keohan should i write the new biog with tag of #BlogItForward or can I reply to this blog itself.
Thanks c.hebbert Expecting as well..
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Prasath,

You should write your blog with the #BlogItForward tag.   Feel free to tag some people you'd like to know more about - either here or in your own blog, or both.  Ask them some questions too!  You can pick some from the list above, or make your own.

Then just comment back here with the link to your #BlogItForward blog 🙂

Have fun,

Hi Sue,

I don't find any tag like #BlogItForward or BlogItForward during new blog creation

Active Contributor

This is what happens when you ‘test in production’  ?

Use the ‘User Tag’ for BlogItForward.  The Primary Tag should be SAP Community!

Thanks for being so brave.


Yes Susan, I will publish the BIF blog shortly. Excitement keep adding.
Active Contributor
You may just get some kind of award for boldly going where nobody has gone (yet, with this sequel) and being the *first*.  I salute you!

Active Contributor
Ha.. what a wonderful idea. My very first blog was added to the BIF. susan.keohan , I have to say you are awesome!
Hi Susan,

I have posted BIF https://blogs.sap.com/2019/12/11/blog-it-forward-prasath/

Really I am happy while writing this blog which i even had. Excitement filled with happiness and inspiration.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Congratulations Prasanth!  As far as I know, you are NUMBER ONE!


I will be writing my own #blogitforward soon 🙂
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
BIF is a true classic! Fun fact: susan.keohan wrote the first comment on my BIF blog post back in November 2013 🙂

Active Contributor
Tag, you're it!  florian.henninger , I have several very important questions for you, and you could answer them in your #BIF2019....

  1. How did you get started blogging on the SAP Community?

  2. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?

  3. Have you ever walked barefoot over Legos?  If so, what did you do for the pain (remember, this is a G-rated platform, so no swearing).

Looking forward to reading more about you 🙂

Active Contributor
Wow, has it been 6 years already?

Image result for time flies

I remember thinking that I must visit Sandhausen someday because the pictures were so beautiful.  A couple of years later, I had the chance to visit one of my sons in Germany while he was studying abroad, and I spent a little time in Heidelberg - does that count? Because if not, then we will have to set up another trip for me!!!

Hope you enjoy the sequel to #BIF with #BIF2019.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
OK, here goes.

My #BIF Sequel is here:


And I am tagging  katarina.fischer   and    frdric.girod   in this #BIF
Active Contributor
This makes me very happy. 🙂
Active Contributor
Great initiative susan.keohan . Here goes mine


Guys you are next

  • maheshkumar.palavalli

  • gaurav.karkara3

  • sudip.ghosh4

  • dj.adams.sap

  • vijay.sharma4

Active Contributor

  • iinside

  • sachinnagal

  • akash.jain6

  • rsletta

  • speri

Active Contributor
I love it when someone takes the initiative to #BIF!  Well done.

Challenge accepted! But you didn't need to name the whole list of SAP Community members though. Leave someone for us. ?
Active Contributor
It is the benefit of going in first..:)
Active Contributor
Active Contributor
😄 😄 you can still tag them in your BIF post and ask your unique questions before they post their BIF.
Active Contributor
Active Contributor
Active Participant
Hello Susan, thanks for starting this chain.

I posted my personal blog yesterday:

Active Contributor
Hello  susan.keohan thank you for initiating #BlogItForward

As isanchez77challenged me in #BIF I have completed and challenged a few others.

Active Contributor
Hi susan.keohan Thanks for initiating the challenge, it's helping many of us getting to know each other better, and beyond SAP as well 🙂

I was tagged by sudip.ghosh4, ruthvik.chowdary2 and tammy.powlas3 respectively and I shared my story at the link provided below:


It was fun and I enjoyed reading a few other stories 🙂
Hi  susan.keohan thank you for initiating #BIF,


I was tagged by ruthvik.chowdary2 and I posted my Blog It Forward :



Thanks and regards

Anita A.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Susan,

Thanks for this initiative and I have accepted and completed as per below and currently in review status.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Community Manager
Community Manager
Active Contributor
Active Contributor
Well, this one could be named as "back to the future" :)) For a amusing future.

My Blog it Forward is "in progress".

Thanks Susan, FM
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi, susan.keohan thank you for initiating #BIF


I posted mine the other day: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/01/10/blog-it-forward-cirlei-guedes/


Happy new year to all in the SAP Community!







Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos
I am working in our SAP mentoring program and through this very important team we have at SAP I got to meet my colleague in Lisbon, joao.lopes2 He is excited to be more active in the SAP Community, and I hope everyone enjoys his knowledge and what he has to share.  To that end, I am asking (nominating) Joao to #BIF.
Active Participant
0 Kudos

Really Very nice one
0 Kudos

  • من الممكن إنشاء ABAP Doc عن طريق استيراد الأوصاف الحالية للفئة العالمية والواجهات بما في ذلك سماتها وطرقها ومعلماتها وما إلى ذلك. لاستيراد الوصف في فصلك أو واجهتك ، ما عليك سوى فتح الفصل أو الواجهة واستخدام إدخال القائمة (السياق) "المصدر > استيراد مستند ABAP من الأوصاف". بعد ذلك ، تم ...