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Unable to import multiple PGP private keys in SAP CPI

0 Kudos

Hello Experts ,

I'm Unable to import multiple PGP private keys / Secrings in SAP CPI manage Security material tab .

Whenever I try importing a new private key , It gets over ridden and the already existing key disappears .

Followed other blogs and tried using kleopatra tool to combine and upload similar to public key . But the same isnt working for Private key .

Would be of great help if any of you could give me some pointors .

Thanks ,


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Hi Nitheesh,

Semantically secret keyring represent tenant's secret key which should be singular.

As per the documentation , tenant's secret key is used for the following use cases:

  • For outbound communication, tenant secret key is used to sign the payload.
  • For inbound communication, tenant secret key is used to decrypt the payload.

And as per the security no one should share the secret key with other and can only share the public part. In a partner ecosystem storing multiple public key ring make sense and supported as well for the following use cases:

  • For outbound communication, receiver's public key is used to encrypt payload and we can have multiple receivers which can be decrypyed by each individual reciever by their secret key.
  • For inbound communication, tenant public key is used to encrypt the payload and sender's public key is used to verify the payload.

So I am really curious to understand your use case here.



Active Contributor
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Hi Arnab / Sriprasad ,

I tried the kleopatra approach . I imported multiple pubrings /Secrings to kleopatra , and exported them . Pubrings are working as expected and giving proper results . However When I try the same for Secrings , In kleopatra , It is not allowing me to import multiple private keys . Attacing screen shot herewith .

As in the screen shot , I have the option of export which will export the public key however the option of exporting Secret keys is disabled while selecting multiple keys . When Selecting single key the option is working .secring.png

Thanks ,


0 Kudos

Hi Sriprasad ,

Thank you for the quick help . I did go through all the provided blogs and unfortunately all of them points to importing multiple public keys and not private keys .

When I follow the similar method as we do for public key to import multple private keys , It is not working . Any help on this ?

Thanks ,


0 Kudos

Hello Nitheesh,

Please follow the below steps.

1. download kleopatra

2. download pubring/secring as per your need

3. use kleopatra to update new key

4. upload pubring/secring to security artifacts and let it overwrite the existing one.

Arnab Maji