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UI Composer/UI Builder does not open correctly in AppGyver

0 Kudos

After trying to add a repeated item to a customized List Component, I got an error below and the UI builder never shown correctly. There's always a popup asks me if I would like to revert or save the unsaved work.

How can I solve this issue?

Note: I already tried to clear the cache and re-login from a clean browser. Still not working


Uncaught Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: repeatedChild in componentCtrl.getRenderedChildren() track by || $index, Duplicate key: 2879348e-2810-4a87-a263-7aaaa2158bf4, Duplicate value: {"id":"2879348e-2810-4a87-a263-7aaaa2158bf4","args":{"content":{"key":{"script":"SUBSTRING(LOOKUP(LOOKUP(repeated,\"current\"),\"created_at\"),0,10)","formula":"SUBSTRING(repeated.current.created_at, 0,10)","inverse":"SUBSTRING.inv(LOOKUP.inv(LOOKUP.inv([\"r\",repeated,\"repeated\"],[\"c\",\"current\"]),[\"c\",\"created_at\"]),[\"c\",0],[\"c\",10])","functions":["SUBSTRING","LOOKUP"],"dependencies":[["repeated","current","created_at"]]},"source":"expression","preview":"2022-11-11"},"visible":true,"selectable":false,"numberOfLines":0},"name":"custom-ad1c810a-2db9-45a8-af24-6fbd192fd753","events":["tap"],"created_by":"user","layout_args":{},"style_class":"primaryParagraph","display_name":"Text 6","style_classes":{},"args_definition":[{"name":"content","type":null,"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"type":"number"}],"items":{},"title":"Content","format":null,"default":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet","tooltip":"Text content for the Text. To format your text inline, use the **Rich text** component.","examples":[],"metadata":{},"required":false,"properties":{},"references":[],"bindingType":"inbound","description":"Text content for the Text. To format your text inline, use the **Rich text** component."},{"name":"visible","type":"boolean","items":{},"title":"Visible","format":null,"default":true,"tooltip":"True/false value to set component visibility. If `false`, the component is not rendered at all and will not take up any space.","examples":[],"metadata":{},"required":false,"properties":{},"references":[],"description":"True/false value to set component visibility. If `false`, the component is not rendered at all and will not take up any space."},{"name":"numberOfLines","type":"number","title":"Number of lines","default":0,"tooltip":"Used to truncate the text with an ellipsis after computing the text layout, including line wrapping, such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. Setting this property to 0 will result in unsetting this value, which means that no lines restriction will be applied.","examples":[123],"references":[],"description":"Used to truncate the text with an ellipsis after computing the text layout, including line wrapping, such that the total number of lines does not exceed this number. Setting this property to 0 will result in unsetting this value, which means that no lines restriction will be applied."},{"name":"selectable","type":"boolean","title":"Selectable","default":false,"tooltip":"Specifies whether the text is selectable or not. If `true`, may interfere with the **tap** event.","references":[],"description":"Specifies whether the text is selectable or not. If `true`, may interfere with the **tap** event."}],"description_name":"Text","editable_by_user":true,"description_version":19,"style":{"gapAfter":{"key":"$spacing_component_L","source":"theme"},"gapEnabled":true},"children":[]}

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Which edition of Appgyver are you using?

Can you revert and then things go back to normal? If so, can you show more of the component you are building.

Where is the error message displayed?

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

I use the new and latest community version.

No I can jot roll back to because the UI is not loaded correctly and the Revert button is not working.