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Reauthentication in CAP Service

0 Kudos

I created a CAP Service on Cloud Foundry with an approuter routing to an app created by SAP Build Apps. The routes and backend are protected by xsuaa


  "welcomeFile": "/resources/index.html",
  "routes": [
      "source": "^/buildappsxxxx(.*)$",
      "target": "/buildappsxxxx/$1",
      "service": "html5-apps-repo-rt",
      "cacheControl": "no-cache, must-revalidate",
      "authenticationType": "xsuaa",
      "csrfProtection": true
      "source": "^/(.*)$",
      "target": "$1",
      "destination": "srv-api",
      "authenticationType": "xsuaa",
      "csrfProtection": true
  "logout": {
    "logoutEndpoint": "/logout",
    "logoutPage": "/logout.html"


 The service works fine; however, when the app is left idle and the auth token is expired, the user is not redirected to the login page, but the page appears completely empty. Upon inspection, I see that the request returns a status 200 



Pasted Graphic Large.jpeg

and in the Response a script that should redirect to the login, but it is never invoked.

        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="data&colon;image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7"/>
            document.cookie = "fragmentAfterLogin=" + encodeURIComponent(location.hash) + ";path=/";
            document.cookie = "locationAfterLogin=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href.split('#')[0].split([1]) + ";path=/";
            document.cookie = "signature=80wKzBh2tsdpceVBKzWDag7PAKk%3D;path=/";
            location = ""

My question here naturally is how can I avoid this issue and redirect the user to login when the session expires?

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