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Did you mean: Crystal report, only ttx datasource

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I have a crystal report that does not use a database connection, instead it uses a ttx file and a sql file to pull in data. The only table within the report is created from the ttx file.

I am attempting to run this crystal report using a crystal report app, which I have done in the past. The problem is that the application prompts me for log in info for the ttx file, which from my understanding it doesnt have any. I am not sure how to proceed here to get this report to run in a app. Had anyone else ever encountered this issue?


Chris Kretman

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I figured this out. In the process i removed a bunch of parameters that were not needed. The issue was that I was setting the data source after setting the param values. I move the line rpt.SetDataSource(ds.Tables(0)) above my code where I fill the paramaters.



            'fill the parameters with values
            rpt.SetParameterValue("Filter_impPartID", Part)
            rpt.SetParameterValue("Props_DS_xadInventoryQuantityDecimals", "2")

            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt