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Support for a new cell-based custom formula in Microsoft Excel – SAP.SETDATA

I believe send data feature was supposed to be released in Q2 but looking at roadmap this has been pushed to Q3 2023. I was looking for this feature to be made available at earliest but looks not this quarter. This has to be expedited at earliest as this will provide great flexibility from input template build as well less data actions.

Any comments from anyone?


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SAP.SETDATA will be what used to EPMSendData in BPC world. Performance of these formulas is something which will be worth watching as cell based formulas generally suffer from performance issues when working on sizable reports. Yes it can be used to send back Excel level calculations back to database but I don't think it should be seen as a Data Action alternative. For sure It will add flexibility to SAC Add-in Forms as it can open up possibility of Un symmetrical layouts etc.


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Performance issues have been really bad with this function and often time it throws error during upload process. However when someone closes and open the sheet again - it works absolutely fine. Is there a known SAP note on this or we have to resort to raising a ticket with SAP?