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SAP EPM EPMPathLink and Excel 2016 C2R

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We are using EPM 10.0 SP 28 .NET 4.5 Build 9843.

A number of our templates use EPMPathLink formulae to navigate between templates.

On Excel 2016 32-bit these work fine.

But on Microsoft Surface Pros, with Office 3605 ProPlus Version 1706 Click-to-run the EPMPathLink formula do not fire. Instead when we double-click the cell changes to a zero '0'.

Has anyone seen this issue? If so is there any workaround?

Thanks in advance


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We made a little progress and found that the following VBA placed in the sheet with the EPMPathlink, EPMLink, EPMUrl formula made them start to work.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) 
  Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01") 
End Sub
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Then it's a bug and have to be reported to SAP support.