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Not able to load BW Query data in MS Power BI due to exception CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS

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Dear all,

since few weeks I´m facing the following message while trying to execute a SAP BW Query in Microsoft Power BI. In general the connection to SAP BW system is possible and it´s possible to display the list of available InfoProviders and Queries but the loading of the data of a Query is not possible.

Screenshot of the message:

Copy friendly message:

The SAP BW server reported an error: 'An exception with the type CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING'. To find more information about this error, visiting the SAP support site and search for 'RS_EXCEPTION 000'.

Does anyone experienced the same and can share the potential root cause to be able to solve the issue.

Thank you.
Best regards,

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Have you gone back to basics? Try the query in RSRT?

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Thanks for your response. Issue is related not only to specific queries. It´s related to all queries. Queries are able to execute via RSRT and other frontend tools, e.g. AO, SAC, etc. Via Power BI queries were also able to execute during the last years. Only since ~3-4 weeks, query data no longer able to load via Power BI. Potentially any side effects due to implemented SAP patches which leads to the fact that the installed "Power BI - SAP BW driver" and SAP BW system is no longer fully compatible?