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Item level data display in Webi

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capture1.jpgHi Friends,

I am BOBJ 4.X version connecting to Bex query using BICS connection and am coming across an issue where I have to literally generate Item level data in the report. Please see the below table.

Doc Item 2002 stands for filled qty.

I have tried so many different options in WebI but no use. i don't have the option of going to CMOD and filling the value from there.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!

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Do we have values for all the items?

Try to create a simple report with items and qty alone and see if you are getting qty values for all the items .

If so then we can tweak the BO report


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Hi Sesha,

Thank you for your response! Item level does not get any filled Qty all that we need to do is repeat QTY again Item Code 2002 to all the Item level as shown in the image that I posted.