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HANA 1.0 SP09 installation error-- process hdbnameserver HDB Nameserver not running

0 Kudos

Hello Expert

I am installing HANA DB and getting below error, I already installed 2 instance on the same host, but this time the error is coming , Anyone came across the issue please help below is the hdblcm.log and hdbinst.log

xxxxxxx:/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE # ./hdblcm

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA

Scanning Software Locations...
Detected components:
SAP HANA Database ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
SAP HANA Database Client ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client
SAP HANA Studio ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_STUDIO/studio

Choose system to update, or choose installation

Index | System | Database Properties
1 | D09 (update) |
| | xxxxxxx (worker)
| |
2 | C09 (update) |
| | xxxxxxx (worker)
| |
3 | Install new system |
| |
4 | Exit (do nothing) |

Enter selected system index [4]: 3

SAP HANA Database version '' will be installed.

Select additional components for installation:

Index | Components | Description
1 | server | No additional components
2 | all | All components
3 | client | Install SAP HANA Database Client version
4 | studio | Install SAP HANA Studio version

Enter comma-separated list of the selected indices [3]: 2
Enter Local Host Name [xxxxxxxx]:
Enter Installation Path [/hana/shared]: /sapmnt
Enter SAP HANA System ID: SM9
Enter Instance Number [00]: 00

Index | Database Mode | Description
1 | single_container | The system contains one database
2 | multiple_containers | The system contains one system database and 1..n tenant databases

Select Database Mode / Enter Index [1]: 1

Index | System Usage | Description
1 | production | System is used in a production environment
2 | test | System is used for testing, not production
3 | development | System is used for development, not production
4 | custom | System usage is neither production, test nor development

Select System Usage / Enter Index [4]: 2
Enter Location of Data Volumes [/hana/data/SM9]: /sapmnt/SM9/data
Enter Location of Log Volumes [/hana/log/SM9]: /sapmnt/SM9/log
Restrict maximum memory allocation? [n]:
Enter Certificate Host Name For Host 'hostname' [hostname]:
Enter System Administrator (sm9adm) Password:
Confirm System Administrator (sm9adm) Password:
Enter System Administrator Home Directory [/usr/sap/SM9/home]:
Enter System Administrator Login Shell [/bin/sh]:
Enter System Administrator User ID [1013]:
Enter Database User (SYSTEM) Password:
Confirm Database User (SYSTEM) Password:
Restart instance after machine reboot? [n]:

Summary before execution:

SAP HANA Components Installation
Installation Parameters
Remote Execution: ssh
Local Host Name: hostname
Installation Path: /sapmnt
Instance Number: 00
Database Mode: single_container
System Usage: test
Location of Data Volumes: /sapmnt/SM9/data
Location of Log Volumes: /sapmnt/SM9/log
Certificate Host Names: hostname -> hostname
System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/SM9/home
System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/sh
System Administrator User ID: 1013
ID of User Group (sapsys): 111
SAP HANA Database Client Installation Path: /sapmnt/SM9/hdbclient
SAP HANA Studio Installation Path: /sapmnt/SM9/hdbstudio
Software Components
SAP HANA Database
Install version
Location: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
SAP HANA Database Client
Install version
Location: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client
Install version
Location: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_STUDIO/studio

Do you want to continue? (y/n): y

Installing components...
Installing SAP HANA Database...
Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
Preparing package 'Python Support'...
Preparing package 'Python Runtime'...
Preparing package 'Product Manifest'...
Preparing package 'Binaries'...
Preparing package 'Installer'...
Preparing package 'Ini Files'...
Preparing package 'Emergency Support Package'...
Preparing package 'Documentation'...
Preparing package 'Delivery Units'...
Preparing package 'DAT Languages'...
Preparing package 'DAT Configfiles'...
Creating System...
Extracting software...
Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
Installing package 'Python Support'...
Installing package 'Python Runtime'...
Installing package 'Product Manifest'...
Installing package 'Binaries'...
Installing package 'Installer'...
Installing package 'Ini Files'...
Installing package 'Emergency Support Package'...
Installing package 'Documentation'...
Installing package 'Delivery Units'...
Installing package 'DAT Languages'...
Installing package 'DAT Configfiles'...
Creating instance...
Starting SAP HANA Database system...
Installation of SAP HANA system failed.
Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
Installation failed
error installing
Cannot create Instance
Cannot start system
Start instance 00 on local host failed.
FAIL: process hdbnameserver HDB Nameserver not running
Check the log file for SAP HANA Database error messages

Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_SM9_hdblcm_install_117-06-14_13.55.40/hdblcm.log' on host 'hostname'.
xxxxxx:/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE #



13:55:40.924 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Installer Information
13:55:40.924 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Running as console application
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Program Call Information
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Caller program name is hdblcm
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Command line arguments:
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Current directory: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Installer directory: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/instruntime
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Pid is 36266
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Effective uid 0
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Real uid 0
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Effective gid 0 0
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Real gid 0 0
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: END: Program Call Information
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.924 - INFO: Environment Dump
13:55:40.924 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.925 - INFO: COLORTERM = 1
13:55:40.925 - INFO: CPU = x86_64
13:55:40.925 - INFO: CSHEDIT = emacs
13:55:40.925 - INFO: CVS_RSH = ssh
13:55:40.925 - INFO: ENV = /etc/bash.bashrc
13:55:40.925 - INFO: FROM_HEADER =
13:55:40.925 - INFO: G_BROKEN_FILENAMES = 1
13:55:40.925 - INFO: HISTSIZE = 1000
13:55:40.925 - INFO: HOME = /root
13:55:40.925 - INFO: HOST = hostname
13:55:40.925 - INFO: HOSTNAME = hostname
13:55:40.925 - INFO: HOSTTYPE = x86_64
13:55:40.925 - INFO: INFODIR = /usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info
13:55:40.925 - INFO: INFOPATH = /usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:/usr/info
13:55:40.925 - INFO: INPUTRC = /etc/inputrc
13:55:40.925 - INFO: JAVA_BINDIR = /usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin
13:55:40.925 - INFO: JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib64/jvm/jre
13:55:40.925 - INFO: JAVA_ROOT = /usr/lib64/jvm/jre
13:55:40.925 - INFO: JRE_HOME = /usr/lib64/jvm/jre
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LC_CTYPE = en_US.UTF-8
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/instruntime
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LESS = -M -I
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LESSCLOSE = %s %s
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LESSKEY = /etc/lesskey.bin
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LESSOPEN = %s
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LOGNAME = root
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LS_COLORS = no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=41;33;01:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.btm=01;32:*.dll=01;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tbz=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.deb=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.lzma=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.zoo=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.tb2=00;31:*.tz2=00;31:*.tbz2=00;31:*.avi=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.aiff=00;32:*.au=00;32:*.mid=00;32:*.mp3=00;32:*.ogg=00;32:*.voc=00;32:*.wav=00;32:
13:55:40.925 - INFO: LS_OPTIONS = -A -N --color=tty -T 0
13:55:40.925 - INFO: MACHTYPE = x86_64-suse-linux
13:55:40.925 - INFO: MAIL = /var/mail/root
13:55:40.925 - INFO: MANPATH = /usr/share/man:/usr/local/man
13:55:40.925 - INFO: MINICOM = -c on
13:55:40.925 - INFO: MORE = -sl
13:55:40.925 - INFO: NNTPSERVER = news
13:55:40.925 - INFO: OLDPWD = /sapmnt/upgrade
13:55:40.925 - INFO: OSTYPE = linux
13:55:40.925 - INFO: PAGER = less
13:55:40.925 - INFO: PATH = /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/root/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin:/opt/ibm/saphana/bin:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin:/opt/MegaRAID/storcli:/opt/ibm/toolscenter/asu
13:55:40.925 - INFO: PROFILEREAD = true
13:55:40.925 - INFO: PWD = /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE
13:55:40.925 - INFO: PYTHONSTARTUP = /etc/pythonstart
13:55:40.925 - INFO: QT_SYSTEM_DIR = /usr/share/desktop-data
13:55:40.925 - INFO: SHELL = /bin/bash
13:55:40.925 - INFO: SHLVL = 1
13:55:40.925 - INFO: SSH_CLIENT = 40696 22
13:55:40.925 - INFO: SSH_CONNECTION = 40696 22
13:55:40.925 - INFO: SSH_TTY = /dev/pts/0
13:55:40.925 - INFO: TERM = xterm
13:55:40.925 - INFO: USER = root
13:55:40.925 - INFO: WCOLL = /var/mmfs/config/nodes.list
13:55:40.925 - INFO: WINDOWMANAGER = /usr/bin/gnome
13:55:40.925 - INFO: XCURSOR_THEME =
13:55:40.925 - INFO: XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = /etc/xdg
13:55:40.925 - INFO: XDG_DATA_DIRS = /usr/share:/etc/opt/kde3/share:/opt/kde3/share
13:55:40.925 - INFO: XKEYSYMDB = /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB
13:55:40.925 - INFO: XNLSPATH = /usr/share/X11/nls
13:55:40.925 - INFO: _ = ./hdblcm
13:55:40.925 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.925 - INFO: END: Environment Dump
13:55:40.925 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.925 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.925 - INFO: END: Installer Information
13:55:40.925 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:55:40.927 - INFO:

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - SAP HANA

13:55:40.927 - INFO: Start Date: 2017-07-14 - hdblcm
13:55:40.927 - INFO:
13:55:40.934 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set
13:55:40.934 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is set with default value = '/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server,/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_STUDIO/studio,/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client'
13:55:40.951 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set
13:55:40.951 - INFO: Parameter 'action' is not set
13:55:40.951 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is skipped
13:55:40.951 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' (Action_SID) is not set
13:55:41.011 - INFO: Scanning Software Locations...
13:55:41.011 - INFO: Detected components:
13:55:41.012 - INFO: SAP HANA Database ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server
13:55:41.012 - INFO: SAP HANA Database Client ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_CLIENT/client
13:55:41.012 - INFO: SAP HANA Studio ( in /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_STUDIO/studio
13:55:47.263 - INFO: Parameter 'SelectedSystem' is set by user, value = 'Install new system'
13:55:47.310 - INFO: Parameter 'groupid' (GID) is set to value = '111'
13:55:47.311 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set with default value = 'ssh'
13:55:47.311 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is skipped
13:55:47.312 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set with default value = 'Yes'
13:55:50.814 - INFO: Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set by user, value = 'all'
13:55:52.526 - INFO: Parameter 'hostname' is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'hostname'
13:55:52.526 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' is not set
13:55:52.526 - INFO: Parameter 'checkmnt' is not set
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set by user, value = '/sapmnt'
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'storage_cfg' (StorageConfigDir) is not set
13:55:59.508 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is not set
13:56:07.821 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' is set by user, value = 'SM9'
13:56:11.248 - INFO: Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set by user, value = '00'
13:56:14.090 - INFO: Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set by user, value = 'single_container'
13:56:18.303 - INFO: Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set by user, value = 'test'
13:56:47.191 - INFO: Parameter 'datapath' (BasePathDataVolumes) is set by user, value = '/sapmnt/SM9/data'
13:56:57.678 - INFO: Parameter 'logpath' (BasePathLogVolumes) is set by user, value = '/sapmnt/SM9/log'
13:56:59.806 - INFO: Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'No'
13:57:02.075 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:hostname) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'hostname'
13:57:02.075 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is skipped
13:57:11.375 - INFO: Parameter 'password' is set by user, value = '***'
13:57:13.187 - INFO: Parameter 'home' (HomeDir) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = '/usr/sap/SM9/home'
13:57:14.730 - INFO: Parameter 'shell' is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = '/bin/sh'
13:57:16.506 - INFO: Parameter 'userid' (UID) is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = '1013'
13:57:16.506 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' is set with default value = 'No'
13:57:16.506 - INFO: Parameter 'timezone' is not set
13:57:16.506 - INFO: Parameter 'machine_utilization' (MachineUtilization) is not set
13:57:24.929 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is set by user, value = '***'
13:57:26.269 - INFO: Parameter 'autostart' is set by user (confirmed the default value), value = 'No'
13:57:26.269 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set
13:57:26.269 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is not set
13:57:26.269 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set
13:57:26.270 - INFO: Parameter 'client_path' (ClientPath) is set with default value = '/sapmnt/SM9/hdbclient'
13:57:26.270 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_path' (StudioPath) is set with default value = '/sapmnt/SM9/hdbstudio'
13:57:26.270 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_repository' (StudioRepository) is set with default value = 'Yes'
13:57:26.270 - INFO: Parameter 'copy_repository' (TargetRepositoryPath) is not set
13:57:26.270 - INFO: Parameter 'vm' (JavaVm) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'repository' (SourceRepositoryUrl) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'ignore' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_remote_execution' (hdbinst_server_RemoteExecution) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_use_http' (hdbinst_server_UseHttp) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine' (hdbinst_server_EnableXSEngine) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_http_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpPort) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_https_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpsPort) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_import_content' (hdbinst_server_ImportContent) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_system_user' (hdbinst_server_SystemUser) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_skip_hostagent_password' (hdbinst_server_SkipHostagentPw) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_sapmnt' (hdbinst_client_Target) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_path' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_path' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_features' (hdbinst_studio_SelectedFeatures) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_nostart' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'action' (cmd_line_action) is not set
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'streaming_cluster_manager_password' (StreamingClusterManagerPassword) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'basepath_streaming' (BasepathStreaming) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'es_datapath' (EsDataPath) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'es_logpath' (EsLogPath) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_datapath' (AcceleratorDataPath) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_logpath' (AcceleratorLogPath) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped
13:57:26.271 - INFO: Parameter 'remote_execution' (RemoteExecution) is set to value = 'ssh'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'use_http' (UseHttp) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'install_hostagent' (InstallHostagent) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'components' (SelectedComponents) is set to value = 'all'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'hostname' is set to value = 'hostname'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'addhosts' is not set
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'checkmnt' is not set
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'sapmnt' (Target) is set to value = '/sapmnt'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'install_ssh_key' (InstallSSHKey) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'root_user' (RootUser) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'root_password' (RootPassword) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'storage_cfg' (StorageConfigDir) is not set
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'internal_network' (InternalNetwork) is not set
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'sid' is set to value = 'SM9'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'number' (InstanceNumber) is set to value = '00'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'db_mode' (DbMode) is set to value = 'single_container'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'system_usage' (SystemUsage) is set to value = 'test'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'datapath' (BasePathDataVolumes) is set to value = '/sapmnt/SM9/data'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'logpath' (BasePathLogVolumes) is set to value = '/sapmnt/SM9/log'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'restrict_max_mem' (RestrictMaxMem) is set to value = 'No'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'max_mem' (MaxMem) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'certificates_hostmap' (CertificatesHostmap:hostname) is set to value = 'hostname'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'sapadm_password' (HostagentPassword) is skipped
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'password' is set to value = '***'
13:57:26.272 - INFO: Parameter 'home' (HomeDir) is set to value = '/usr/sap/SM9/home'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'shell' is set to value = '/bin/sh'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'userid' (UID) is set to value = '1013'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'groupid' (GID) is set to value = '111'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'nostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'timezone' is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'machine_utilization' (MachineUtilization) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'system_user_password' (SQLSysPasswd) is set to value = '***'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'autostart' is set to value = 'No'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'component_medium' (DvdPath) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'component_dirs' (ComponentDirs) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'component_root' (ComponentFsRoot) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'client_path' (ClientPath) is set to value = '/sapmnt/SM9/hdbclient'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_path' (StudioPath) is set to value = '/sapmnt/SM9/hdbstudio'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'studio_repository' (StudioRepository) is set to value = 'Yes'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'copy_repository' (TargetRepositoryPath) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'vm' (JavaVm) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'repository' (SourceRepositoryUrl) is set with default value = '<not defined>'
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'ignore' is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_remote_execution' (hdbinst_server_RemoteExecution) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_use_http' (hdbinst_server_UseHttp) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine' (hdbinst_server_EnableXSEngine) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_http_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpPort) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_xs_engine_https_port' (hdbinst_server_XSEngineHttpsPort) is not set
13:57:26.273 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_import_content' (hdbinst_server_ImportContent) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_system_user' (hdbinst_server_SystemUser) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_skip_hostagent_password' (hdbinst_server_SkipHostagentPw) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_server_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_sapmnt' (hdbinst_client_Target) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_path' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_client_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_path' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_features' (hdbinst_studio_SelectedFeatures) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_studio_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_nostart' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'hdbinst_plugin_ignore' is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'action' (cmd_line_action) is not set
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'streaming_cluster_manager_password' (StreamingClusterManagerPassword) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'basepath_streaming' (BasepathStreaming) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'es_datapath' (EsDataPath) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'es_logpath' (EsLogPath) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_datapath' (AcceleratorDataPath) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_logpath' (AcceleratorLogPath) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user' (AcceleratorUser) is skipped
13:57:26.274 - INFO: Parameter 'ase_user_password' (AcceleratorPassword) is skipped
13:57:29.131 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:57:29.131 - INFO: Installing components...
13:57:29.131 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:57:29.134 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:57:29.134 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Database...
13:57:29.134 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:57:29.134 - INFO: Creating directory '/sapmnt/SM9/data'
13:57:29.135 - INFO: Creating directory '/sapmnt/SM9/log'
13:57:29.138 - INFO: Starting external program /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/hdbinst
13:57:29.138 - INFO: Command line is: /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/hdbinst --hostname=hostname --install_hostagent=on --system_usage=test --db_mode=singledb --sapmnt=/sapmnt --userid=1013 --max_mem=0 --groupid=111 --number=00 --home=/usr/sap/SM9/home --nostart=off --datapath=/sapmnt/SM9/data --remote_execution=ssh --sid=SM9 --shell=/bin/sh --autostart=off --restrict_max_mem=off --logpath=/sapmnt/SM9/log -b -a /sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE/server --read_password_from_stdin=xml
13:57:29.862 - INFO: Output line 1: SAP HANA Database installation kit detected.
13:57:30.488 - INFO: Output line 2:
13:57:30.489 - INFO: Output line 3:
13:57:30.489 - INFO: Output line 4: SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - Database Installation
13:57:30.489 - INFO: Output line 5: ****************************************************************************
13:57:30.489 - INFO: Output line 6:
13:57:30.489 - INFO: Output line 7:
13:57:30.492 - INFO: Output line 8: Start reading from input channel...
13:57:30.493 - INFO: Output line 9: ... Done.
13:57:30.496 - INFO: Output line 10:
13:57:30.496 - INFO: Output line 11: Summary before execution:
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 12: Installation Path: /sapmnt
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 13: SAP HANA System ID: SM9
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 14: Instance Number: 00
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 15: Database Mode: single_container
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 16: System Usage: test
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 17: System Administrator Home Directory: /usr/sap/SM9/home
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 18: System Administrator Login Shell: /bin/sh
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 19: System Administrator User ID: 1013
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 20: ID of User Group (sapsys): 111
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 21: Location of Data Volumes: /sapmnt/SM9/data
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 22: Location of Log Volumes: /sapmnt/SM9/log
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 23: Local Host Name: hostname
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 24: Enable the installation or upgrade of the SAP Host Agent: Yes
13:57:30.497 - INFO: Output line 25:
13:57:30.573 - INFO: Output line 26: Checking installation...
13:57:30.573 - INFO: Output line 27: Preparing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
13:57:30.573 - INFO: Output line 28: Preparing package 'Python Support'...
13:57:30.573 - INFO: Output line 29: Preparing package 'Python Runtime'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 30: Preparing package 'Product Manifest'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 31: Preparing package 'Binaries'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 32: Preparing package 'Installer'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 33: Preparing package 'Ini Files'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 34: Preparing package 'Emergency Support Package'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 35: Preparing package 'Documentation'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 36: Preparing package 'Delivery Units'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 37: Preparing package 'DAT Languages'...
13:57:30.574 - INFO: Output line 38: Preparing package 'DAT Configfiles'...
13:57:31.753 - INFO: Output line 39: Creating System...
13:57:31.882 - INFO: Output line 40: Extracting software...
13:57:31.882 - INFO: Output line 41: Installing package 'Saphostagent Setup'...
13:57:33.288 - INFO: Output line 42: Installing package 'Python Support'...
13:57:33.397 - INFO: Output line 43: Installing package 'Python Runtime'...
13:57:35.722 - INFO: Output line 44: Installing package 'Product Manifest'...
13:57:35.749 - INFO: Output line 45: Installing package 'Binaries'...
13:58:17.641 - INFO: Output line 46: Installing package 'Installer'...
13:58:18.095 - INFO: Output line 47: Installing package 'Ini Files'...
13:58:18.143 - INFO: Output line 48: Installing package 'Emergency Support Package'...
13:58:18.266 - INFO: Output line 49: Installing package 'Documentation'...
13:58:18.305 - INFO: Output line 50: Installing package 'Delivery Units'...
13:58:18.976 - INFO: Output line 51: Installing package 'DAT Languages'...
13:58:27.259 - INFO: Output line 52: Installing package 'DAT Configfiles'...
13:58:27.418 - INFO: Output line 53: Creating instance...
13:59:04.230 - INFO: Output line 54: Starting SAP HANA Database system...
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 55: Installation failed
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 56: error installing
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 57: Cannot create Instance
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 58: Cannot start system
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 59: Start instance 00 on local host failed.
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 60: FAIL: process hdbnameserver HDB Nameserver not running
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 61: Check the log file for SAP HANA Database error messages
13:59:08.369 - INFO: Output line 62:
13:59:08.830 - INFO: Output line 63: Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_SM9_install_2017-07-14_13.57.29/hdbinst.log' on host 'hostname'.
13:59:08.979 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
13:59:08.980 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
13:59:08.980 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:59:08.980 - INFO: END: Install SAP HANA Database (start: 13:57:29.134 duration: 00:01:39.845)
13:59:08.980 - INFO: ---------------------------------------------------------
13:59:08.981 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:59:08.981 - INFO: END: Install components (start: 13:57:29.131 duration: 00:01:39.849)
13:59:08.981 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
13:59:09.064 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA system failed.
13:59:09.064 - INFO: Summary of critical errors
13:59:09.064 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA system failed.
13:59:08.980 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
13:59:08.979 - INFO: Installation failed
13:59:08.980 - INFO: error installing
13:59:08.980 - INFO: Cannot create Instance
13:59:08.980 - INFO: Cannot start system
13:59:08.980 - INFO: Start instance 00 on local host failed.
13:59:08.980 - INFO: FAIL: process hdbnameserver HDB Nameserver not running
13:59:08.980 - INFO: Check the log file for SAP HANA Database error messages
hostname:/sapmnt/upgrade/SAP_HANA_DATABASE #

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0 Kudos

Hi All

Its was a bug with HANA version, download new and it worked

