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cloud connector

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Hello Experts,

We are using the SAP BAS to create Fiori Apps.

We established the principal propagation setup between SAP BTP and on-premise System through the SAP cloud connector. SAP CC is in DMZ Zone ( here is proxy configured)
In SAP CC are /sap services are released.
But when I try to access the SAP backend system via SAP BAS, this error occurs: "The selected system is returning an authentication error. Please verify the destination configuration"

Cloud Connector logs:


Spoiler #Handshake with tunnel server completed successfully for tunnelId: account:///sdd/local #Registered tunnel channel [id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80] for tunnelId account:///2kdkd-2/local and client Id 4dfjfff #Successfully established tunnel channel: [id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80] #Discarded inbound message EmptyLastHttpContent that reached at the tail of the pipeline. Please check your pipeline configuration. #Discarded message pipeline : [idleStateHandler, ssl, wsencoder, wsdecoder, tunnelStateHandler, protocolEncoder, protocolDecoder, payloadTracer, flowControlHandler, messagePacketHandler, tunnelErrorHandler, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]. Channel : id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80

TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-23-3# #Decoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2
TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-23-3# #Decoding WebSocket Frame length=4309 message of type 1 (open connection) over tunnel channel [id: 239i2-3, id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80]; tunnelId: account:///sss023i4i4/local subscription request for connection id: 233s-344 to tunnel channel id: 344,44,33. Tunnel id: "account:///340i-dfdf3/local"

Spoiler 3444#Subscribed connectionId 2333 to tunnel channel [id: 3444, id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80] with tunnelId account:///4543545öfdff/local [ objectId [$LazyTunnel@3444]; clientId [34444]; tunnelId [account:///34444/local]; currentChannel [0]; tunnelChannels [[[id: 3333, id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80channelSubscriptions [{-3434=[id: 3444, id: 234, L:/111.111.111:1111 - R:/222.222.222:80]}] ] SSO token "weweeXXXXX" with type "JWT" for principal type "BUSINESS"; connection origin Id "sb-eu10-app-studio!333", type "CF Connectivity Client ID" and name "unknown" from message packet new session id 444 connection meta info [originId: sb-eu10-app-studio!2333, originName: unknown, originType: CF Connectivity Client ID] for connectionId 3333 JWT: sdsdsdsd-----END PUBLIC KEY----- JWT with claims: {"sub":"33434444434","xs.user.attributes":{},"user_name":"","origin":"sap.default","iss":"... ://88033.hana.ondemand. com/ oauth...","xs.system.attributes":{"xs.rolecollections":["Destination Administrator","Subaccount Viewer","Business_Application_Studio_Extension_Deployer","Business_Application_Studio_Developer","Cloud Connector Administrator","Business_Application_Studio_Administrator","Subaccount Administrator","z_business_appl_studio","Connectivity and Destination Administrator"]},"given_name":"user","client_id":"sb-xxxxx!xx|destination-xsappname!ddd","aud":["uaa","openid","xs_account","destination-xsappname!344","sb-444!b7444|destination-xsappname!sdd","destination-xsappname!sdsd.instance","destination-xsappname!

sdd.subaccount"],"ext_attr":{"enhancer":"XSUAA","subaccountid":"ddd","zdn":"ww","serviceinstanceid":"555"},"user_uuid":"333","zid":"222","grant_type":"urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer","user_id":"333","azp":"sb-clon2333|destination-xsappname!b404","scope":["destination-xsappname!b404.instance.readDestination","destination- xsappname!b333.instance.manageDestination","user_attributes","destination- xsappname!b333.subaccount.manageCertificate","destination- xsappname!b333.instance.manageCertificate","xs_account.access","openid","destination- xsappname!b333.subaccount.readDestination","uaa.user","destination- xsappname!b333.subaccount.readCertificate","destination- xsappname!b333.subaccount.manageDestination","destination- xsappname!b333manageSubaccountTrust","destination-xsappname!b333.readSubaccountTrust","destination-xsappname! b404.instance.readCertificate"],"cnf":{"23#3233":"RQ-2323},"exp":2323,"family_name":"user","iat":222,"jti":"333","email":"","rev_sig":"333","cid":"sb-wewe!wewe|destination-xsappname!b404"} to validate token expiration claims [exp, iat] for account dsdsd validated token expiration claims [exp, iat] for account 34234 caller principal name for principal of type BUSINESS principal name' was extracted from 'user_name' claim. validated JWT for tunnelId: account:///asdsad/local session with id 2333333 principal: '' to default factory for protocol HTTP outbound connection processor for protocol HTTP outbound protocol processor for protocol HTTP
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-23.3# #Decoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-237# #Decoding WebSocket Frame length=6131 message of type 3 (payload) with size 6117 over tunnel channel [id: 0x6538d4ba, L:/111.111.111:3345 - R:/111.111.111.:80]; tunnelId: account:///323ddddd/local connection to backend system test:1213 #Adding SSL handler for channel: [id: 2323] #Generating X.509 certificate for authentication to backend #Requesting token for principal with name #Extracted attribute from principal ‚‘ with name login_name: null #Condition "login_name EXIST" does not fit to principal ‚‘ , checking next one #Extracted attribute from principal ‚‘with name name: null #Condition "name EXIST" does not fit to principal, checking next one #Condition "true" fits to principal, return CN=${email}, #Generated X.509 certificate with subject CN=,C=DE opening in progress, buffering... #Sent packet with size 6,117 to processor opened backend connection [id: 0xa026c4cf, L:/ - R:hostname/] open connection 774 to http://test:1213 send packet with size 6,117 to backend channel [id: 333, L:/ L:/ R:hostname/111.111.111:3333], switching state to PROCESSING sending http://test:1213/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/?$top=1&saml2=disabled to backend autoread=FALSE on Backend channel: [id: 3333 isOpen: true; isActive: true; isRegistered: true; isWritable: true; bytesBeforeWritable: 0; bytesBeforeUnwritable: 44,444; autoRead: false] request description to statistics instance: http://test:1213/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/?$top=1&saml2=disabled on [virtualHost=test, virtualPort=1213, protocol=HTTP] invoke started for connection 0x8207f8e0 to http://test:1213 request /sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/ caller principal. #Reusing existing session with id 2333 #Assigned principal: '' use X.509 certificate for authentication to backend: 2333333(SHA-256) allowed to http://test:1213/sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/?$top=1&saml2=disabled for virtual host test:1213 http request object, switching state to SWALLOWING autoread=TRUE on Backend channel: [id: 0xa026c4cf isOpen: true; isActive: true; isRegistered: true; isWritable: true; bytesBeforeWritable: 0; bytesBeforeUnwritable: 4,444; autoRead: true] http request object, switching state to STARTING
#DEBUG#io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler#tunnel-client-23# #[id: 333, L:/111.111.111.:3333 -] HANDSHAKEN: protocol:TLSv1.2 cipher suite:TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 packet with size 3 to backend channel [id: 233, L:/111.111.111:3333-], switching state to PROCESSING statistics is disabled,sap-statistics-scc header is not set #Will send message of type 3 (payload) with size 328 over tunnel channel [id: 333, L:/111.111.111:3333 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///34444/local
TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder#tunnel-client-23# #Encoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2 length=342 #Sent message of type 3 (payload) with payload size 328 over tunnel channel [id: 0x6538d4ba, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///33444444/local message of type 3 (payload) with payload size 328 to tunnel channel [id: 344, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80] http response object, switching state to SWALLOWING http response object, switching state to STARTING #Will send message of type 3 (payload) with size 6612 over tunnel channel [id: 0x6538d4ba, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]] with tunnelId account://wewewe/local
TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder#tunnel-client-25-7# #Encoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2 length=6626 #Sent message of type 3 (payload) with payload size 6612 over tunnel channel [id: 23423, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]] with tunnelId account:///11111/local message of type 3 (payload) with payload size 6,612 to tunnel channel [id: 2323, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]] http request on connection 3444 to http://test:1213 request /sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/ http request time statistics: total=73,ext=34,latency=3,openRemoteConn=28,generateSSOToken=24,validateSSOToken=0 #Request HTTP://test:1213 resource /sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/ with total time 73 is added to top list. #Request HTTP://test:1213 resource /sap/opu/odata/IWFND/CATALOGSERVICE;v=2/ServiceCollection/ with total time 73 is added to top list. channel [id: weee L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80] is closed #Will send message of type 4 (error) over tunnel channel [id: wewe, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]] with tunnelId account:///223/local
TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder#tunnel-client-23# #Encoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2 length=231 #Sent message of type 4 (error) over tunnel channel [id: 0x6538d4ba, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]] with tunnelId account:///w343434/local
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-23# #Decoding WebSocket Frame opCode=2
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#tunnel-client-23# #Decoding WebSocket Frame length=14 message of type 2 (close connection) over tunnel channel [id: 2434, L:/111.111.111:3444 - R:/111.111.111:80]]; tunnelId: account:///wewewe 2/local connectionId 0x8207f8e0 from tunnelId account:///ewewe2/local principal: backend connection channel [id: 233, L:/1111.111.111:5554 !]] close connection with id: 444
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameDecoder#notification-client-24-1# #Decoding WebSocket Frame opCode=10 #Received pong for channel [id: erer, L:/111.111.111:3434 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///232333 #Sending pong for channel [id: 333, L:/111.111.111:344 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///23233 #Sending pong for channel [id: 3434, L:/111.111.111:344 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///67777/local
#TRACE#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder#notification-client-21-1# #Encoding WebSocket Frame opCode=10 length=0 #Received pong for channel [id: wee, , L:/111.111.111:344 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///wee2/local #Sending pong for channel [id: 0x6538d4ba, L:/111.111.111:344 - R:/111.111.111:80] with tunnelId account:///wee2/local sdsdsd:06:01,740
#io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocket08FrameEncoder#tunnel-client-23# #Encoding WebSocket Frame opCode=10 length=0 #execute incoming request /configuration with action 'getAccounts' #incoming request /configuration action: getAccounts finished after 0 ms #execute incoming request /admin with action 'fetchMessages' #incoming request /admin action: fetchMessages finished after 1 ms #execute incoming request /logAndTrace with action 'getLogSettings' #incoming request /logAndTrace action: getLogSettings finished after 1 ms #execute incoming request /logAndTrace with action 'getLogFiles'


Could you please help up with this problem.


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


most probably the problem is on backend side: did you check, whether there is a CERTRULE for X.509 certificates with SubjectDNs like,C=DE 

If there is no mapping of this SubjectDN pattern to ABAP users (in transaction CERTRULE), the login will of course fail.

Another possible reason could be, that the SCC's "System Certificate" is not trusted by the backend system. You can see more details, if you increase the ICM trace level on backend side (transaction SMICM), and then repeating the logon attempt.

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Hello Ulrich, Thank you very much for your response. I have in the transaction CERTULE inserted the user certificate, which I generated in the Cloud Connector. The status (user mapping) was green. In STRUST, I imported the system certificate from the Cloud Connector. Are you referring to this step when you mentioned, "Another possible reason could be, that the SCC's 'System Certificate' is not trusted by the backend system"? So this step - importing the system certificate from the Cloud Connector in STRUST? Many Thanks Best Regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In addition to importing the system cert in STRUST, there is an additional step necessary, so that the SAP system (or rather the ICM) allows the SCC to logon on under multiple different User accounts via X.509 certs: a certain profile parameter for ICM needs to be set.

See Configure Identity Propagation for HTTPS | SAP Help Portal for the detailed steps.

Best Regards, Ulrich