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Cannot Activate DSO when adding new field

0 Kudos

Hi experts,

I adding new infoobject to datasource FI_GL_4, infosource FI_GL_4 and DSO 0FIGL_O02 at DEV system and transport them to QAS. (SAP BI 7.3)

New infoobject, infosource and datasource are successfully transport.

But DSO take long time to transport (about 20 hours) and ended with return code 8.

It makes DSO inactive.

So, I try to transport DSO with program "RSDG_ODSO_ACTIVATE". It take long time but still inactive.

Remark that DSO 0FIGL_O02 contains a large amount of data

How should I activate DSO without any data losing?

Thank you for your help.

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0 Kudos

<puzzled>You mean you don't find the new IO in the table /BI0/AFIGL_O0200 (transaction SE11) after the DB adjustment but find it in the DSO (transaction RSA1) in the BW target of your transport ?</puzzled>

Can't you try to activate manually the DSO ?

0 Kudos

To Frederic,

Yes, I cannot find new infoobject in table /BI0/AFIGL_O0200 afer the activate and adjust in T-code SE14.

By the way, I find new infoobject in DSO 0FIGL_O02 from T-code RSA1, but DSO is inactive mode.
