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Can you share content of Web IDE Full-Stack build script

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When an MTA Build is initiated in Web IDE Full-Stack, it triggers the script

Before running the MTA Builder, it's clear this script does additional pre-processing e.g. generate name of mtar from <mtaname>_<mtaversion>.mtar

Can SAP please share the content of script as I'd like to optimise a Jenkins build job to closely match the outcome of a build initiated in Web IDE Full-Stack.

Many thanks


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Hi Mike,

We cannot share the script as it's an internal implementation of the flow in Web IDE Full-Stack.

But I can assure you that most of its content is not relevant for pipelines - it takes care of running MTA build process in the SAP internal landscapes (e.g. allow access to the SAP artifacts repositories like npm registry) or processes MBT tool errors to properly present them in the Web IDE console.

You can implement the part of the script logic related to the mta archive name (<mtaname>_<mtaversion>.mtar), the target platform (e.g.Cloud Foundry) and the folder where the archive is generated using the tool's command line parameters (for example):

java -jar mta.jar --build-target=CF –-mtar=./mta_archives/<mtaname>_<mtaversion>.mtar build

