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How to implement and test delta upload in Syclo?

0 Kudos


I am trying to implement delta upload of custom data object between SAP backend the the Asset Manager using SYCLO framework.

I have defined the OMDO handler as ancestor of /MFND/CL_CORE_OMDO_HNDLER_BASE class, exchange handler class which inherits from /SYCLO/CL_CORE_EX_HANDLER_BASE and the exchange table.

When the business object data is changed, the changes are written to the exchange table.

What should I do next?

Which methods should be implemented in the OMDO handler?

How can I test it? Can I test it using Gateway Client or are there special tools for that?

When I send requests to entity set or a particular entity, only the method GET_OBJKEYS_BY_DISTRIB_RULES is called, but not the GET_OBJKEYS_FOR_DELTA_LOAD or FILTER_OBJKEYS_BY_XCHANGE_INFO as I would expect.

Is there a tutorial on this subject?

With best regards,


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Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Krzysztof,

To test the delta, in the response of the initial request you should see a URI with a deltatoken. You can use the URI to trigger the delta from the gateway client.

thank you!

0 Kudos

Hi Jose,

thank You for the answer.

My problem however is, that I do not have the delta token in my response for the Z-Object.

If I had used the Gateway, I would add the delta token in the GetEntitySet method.

But as I am using Syclo, I suppose I should set the delta token in the LOAD_ENTITY_DETAILS method.

I found the property for delta token in the TAB_OMDO_ENTITY_INPUT table of the /MFND/CL_CORE_OMDO_DATA class, but this field is protected from changes.

I do not know if I should set the delta token myself (if yes - how and in which method), or if middleware does it based on oMDO settings in the data exchange section.

I am attaching the screenshots with oMDO settings below.

Many thanks in advance.

With best regards,

Krzysztof aka Chris.

0 Kudos

Hi Chris,

The delta token is set by the framework based on the delta sync settings, you do not have to set the delta token. Based on your settings, the delta token should be getting set.

Thank you!
