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How do I enable Checkboxes for Selection in a macro.table?


Dear community please help,

I want to use a table building block from the flexible programming model to let the user select entries, but I can't get the table to display the select checkboxes.

According to the documentation it only needs the property selectionMode="Multi" to enable the selection of multiple entries or selectionMode="Single" for the selection of a single entry. Unfortunately neither of them works.

It's not working in my application and its also not working in the flexible programming model explorer.

Is this a bug in the building block or am I missing something?

Thank you for your help.


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Hello David,

> It does seem like a bug from our end that we will investigate and fix ! Thanks for this.

Looking into a bit more detail the button will be there when the table enters edit mode.

This is because, as mentioned, we don't find any action that will be always visible that requires the selection so i'm actually retracting my statement that this is a bug, it is working as intended.

Once you add some actions that can be triggered using this checkbox then it should appear all the time.

In the FPM explorer sample this is also not shown because delete is only available when the table is in edit mode and is the only action defined there.


In the meantime you can get the checkbox to be displayed by having action that require selection in the toolbar, in most scenarios this is actually enough and you don't need to influence the selectionMode yourself.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Thank you for your quick reply.

I think you should overthink your design decision here since this table is intended to be used in freestyle applications. As a developer I'd like to be in control here and if I tell the table to be selectable, It should be. I might have an action outside the table which needs the selected entries.

Im my case I wanted to use the table as part of a custom search help in a dialog. If the user selected some entries and then clicks the "Ok" Button in the dialog, then I wanted to get the selected entries and close the dialog. With the designed behaviour I don't think I can use your table.

I think at least you should update the documentation so it is clear that the table needs an action to be selectable.

Regards David