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failed to create BuildTaskHandler [@sap/cds/lib/build/node-cf] and build: `cds build/all --clean`

I having troubles with my multitarget app when I want to build it. I didn't any change and I and want to know if you have some suggestions or answer for this! If you need more information please tell me.

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - failed to create BuildTaskHandler [@sap/cds/lib/build/node-cf]

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?:(?:_|\p{Letter}|\p{Letter_Number})(?:_|\p{Letter}|\p{Letter_Number}|\p{Decimal_Number}|\p{Nonspacing_Mark}|\p{Spacing_Mark}|\p{Connector_Punctuation}|\p{Format}){0,127})/: Invalid escape

9:51:22 (Executor) SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?:(?:_|\p{Letter}|\p{Letter_Number})(?:_|\p{Letter}|\p{Letter_Number}|\p{Decimal_Number}|\p{Nonspacing_Mark}|\p{Spacing_Mark}|\p{Connector_Punctuation}|\p{Format}){0,127})/: Invalid escape

9:51:22 (Executor)     at new RegExp (<anonymous>)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.<anonymous> (/projects/chatbot-backend-dev/node_modules/@sap/odata-server/node_modules/@sap/odata-commons/lib/uri/UriTokenizer.js:8:27)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Module.load (module.js:566:32)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Module.require (module.js:597:17)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at require (internal/module.js:11:18)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.<anonymous> (/projects/chatbot-backend-dev/node_modules/@sap/odata-server/node_modules/@sap/odata-commons/lib/uri/KeyValueParser.js:7:19)

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - building module [db] using [Hana DB Module Builder]

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - model: db/data-model.cds, srv/chatbot-service.cds, srv/say.cds

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - Creating db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Countries.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - Creating db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-GeneralSettings.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - Creating db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Partners.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - Creating db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Tips.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - Creating db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Users.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - done > wrote output to:

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/.hdiconfig

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/.hdinamespace

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_ACCOUNTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_B1SESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_CHATBOTSESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_CHATBOTSESSIONSDETAILS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_COMPANYDBS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_COUNTRIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_DOCUMENTATION.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_ENDPOINTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_EULA.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_GENERALSETTINGS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_PARTNERCONTACTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_PARTNERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_PERMISSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_RESOURCES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_TIPS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_USERCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_USERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_USERSPERMISSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_VWCHATBOTSESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_VWCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_VWUSERCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOTSERVICE_VWUSERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_A.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_ACCOUNTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_B.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_B1SESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_C.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_CHATBOTSESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_CHATBOTSESSIONSDETAILS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_COMPANYDBS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_COUNTRIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_DOCUMENTATION.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_ENDPOINTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_EULA.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_GENERALSETTINGS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_ORDERHEADERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_ORDERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_PARTNERCONTACTS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_PARTNERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_PERMISSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_RESOURCES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_TIPS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_USERCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_USERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_USERSPERMISSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_VWCHATBOTSESSIONS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_VWCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_VWUSERCOMPANIES.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/CHATBOT_VWUSERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_AX.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_BX.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_CX.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_DX.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_ORDERHEADERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/SAY_ORDERS.hdbcds

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Countries.csv

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Countries.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-GeneralSettings.csv

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-GeneralSettings.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Partners.csv

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Partners.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Tips.csv

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Tips.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Users.csv

9:51:22 (Executor)   db/src/gen/csv/chatbot-Users.hdbtabledata

9:51:22 (Executor) [cds] - time: 835.553ms

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) (node:2266) Warning: No such label '[cds] - time' for console.timeEnd()

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! errno 1

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! chatbot-backend-dev@1.0.0 build: `cds build/all --clean`

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! Exit status 1

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! 

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! Failed at the chatbot-backend-dev@1.0.0 build script.

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR!     /home/user/.npm/_logs/2020-02-27T15_51_22_712Z-debug.log

9:51:22 (Executor) child_process.js:645

9:51:22 (Executor)     throw err;

9:51:22 (Executor)     ^

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) Error: Command failed: npm install && npm run build

9:51:22 (Executor)     at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:602:13)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.execSync (child_process.js:642:13)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.<anonymous> (/projects/chatbot-backend-dev/db/.build.js:12:15)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Module.load (module.js:566:32)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:694:10)

9:51:22 (Executor)     at startup (bootstrap_node.js:204:16)

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! errno 1

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! deploy@ postinstall: `node .build.js`

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! Exit status 1

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! 

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! Failed at the deploy@ postinstall script.

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

9:51:22 (Executor) 

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

9:51:22 (Executor) npm ERR!     /home/user/.npm/_logs/2020-02-27T15_51_22_726Z-debug.log

9:51:22 (Executor) .[2020-02-27 15:51:22] ERROR could not build the "chatbot-backend-dev-db" module: could not execute the "npm install --production" command: exit status 1

9:51:22 (Executor) make: *** [Makefile_20200227155115.mta:37: chatbot-backend-dev-db] Error 1

9:51:22 (Executor) Error: could not build the MTA project: could not execute the "make -f Makefile_20200227155115.mta p=cf mtar= strict=true mode=" command: exit status 2

9:51:22 (MTA BUILD) The "Task for mta build" process finished with code 1

9:51:22 (MTA BUILD) Build of "chatbot-backend-dev" failed.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)



the issue seems to be caused by a Node.js module requiring a Node.js version >=10, while the application seems to run on Node.js 8 (which has gone out of maintenance).

The proper solution is to raise the version in the 'engines' field of your top-level package.json to "^10" or "^12".

However, we found that Web IDE does not yet support these versions in the build environment. While we are working on this issue, as a workaround, reduce the version of '@sap/cds' to "3.21.x" in the top-level package.json

Best regards and sorry for the inconvenience


0 Kudos

Thank you Christian. I got the same error when I try to run my srv module and I fix it again in the package json of the srv module.


    "name": "chatbot-backend-dev",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Generated by cds init",
    "repository": "<Add your repository here>",
    "license": "ISC",
    "dependencies": {
        "@sap/cds": "^3.21.1",
        "express": "^4.17.1",
        "hdb": "^0.17.1"
    "engines": {
        "node": "^8.9"
    "scripts": {
    	"build": "cds build/all --clean",
        "deploy": "cds deploy",
        "start": "cds run"
    "cds": {
        "requires": {
            "db": {
                "kind": "hana",
                "model": [
        "odata": {
            "version": "v4"
    "files": [


    "name": "chatbot-backend-dev",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Generated by cds init",
    "repository": "<Add your repository here>",
    "license": "ISC",
    "dependencies": {
        "@sap/cds": "3.21.x",
        "express": "^4.17.1",
        "hdb": "^0.17.1"
    "engines": {
        "node": "^8.9"
    "scripts": {
    	"build": "cds build/all --clean",
        "deploy": "cds deploy",
        "start": "cds run"
    "cds": {
        "requires": {
            "db": {
                "kind": "hana",
                "model": [
        "odata": {
            "version": "v4"
    "files": [

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Hello Eder, Christian,

I had the same issue and the change of the version-number didnt succeed.

But after removing the "postinstall" - script command in the db/package.json file it works fine.

Maybe there is something wrong in the .build.js file?



0 Kudos

Even I had been facing this issue and when I removed the postinstall script from db/package.json, the db build was successful for a CAP project in SAP HANA XSA.