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Error while provisioning user to AD over SSL IDM 8.0

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I am new to SAP IdM and trying to provision a user to AD over SSL and have received the below error.

ToDSADirect.init got exception, returning false. - URL:ldap://<SERVER_IP>:636

java.lang.Throwable: <SERVER_IP>:636

Following is the configuration I have done

1. Set the Directory LDAP port as LDP_PORT_SSL

2.Set security option as SSL

3.Installed AD certificate on runtime server

Please let me know if I am missing any configurations.

Active Contributor
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Can you switch to 389 and regular LDAP and make sure the connection is working from IDM?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Hi Rekha,

from the info provided it's hard for me to help. But it's also hard to tell you what else I would need... apart from everything... 🙂

Please try low level troubleshooting from the runtime. Try a connect to the configured AD Server e.g. with telnet (telnet <AD server> 389 -> proofs LDAP connection, telnet <AD server> 636 -> proofs LDAPS connection).

Next step would be application level e.g. can you access LDAPS and query the directory? LDAP Admin is a helpful tool for this or LDIFDE as CLI tool on windows machines.

The intension is to verify that the SSL/TLS handshakes works.

If that is working but you are still facing problems, try to configure the dispatcher to trace/debug and see what it produces. Maybe this helps.


Best regards,


Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Hi All,

This issue is resolved now. Problem was with LDAP_LOGIN .

Thank you all for your help.

0 Kudos

I am facing the same kind of issue can you tell me what change did you do to make it work.

Your help would be much appreciated.

0 Kudos

Hi Matt Pollicove ,

switched to 389 and it didn't work.

Does the LDAP_LOGIN(repository constant in Admin UI) should be complete DN or only the CN (Testuser)?

e.g. CN=Testuser,OU=TestAD,OU=Test OU,DC=abc,DC=com

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Guessing you figured this out, but the login does need to be complete. cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com


0 Kudos

Hi Alexander Brietz

Tried all the above, connection to AD is working from LDAP Admin

Telnet is working.

set the dispatcher log to trace/debug I could see the user name, password and the host it is printing are the same as I have given in the system configuration tab on Admin console.

It gave me the below error.

Note: I am able to login to AD from LDP admin with the same credentials I am providing in the system configuration tab on admin UI

LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042F, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v2580

Active Participant
0 Kudos

We had to install two certificates on the runtime server. I think it the 2nd one was from the SUB CA.

0 Kudos
Good morning gentlemen,

Could you please inform me which way should I install the AD certificate?

Thank you in advance for your support.