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Eclipse (ADT) - Neon Repository down?

0 Kudos


since yesterday I'm trying to setup a new Eclipse environment to start programming with this tool.

After a successful installation of the latest Eclipse Java EE IDE (NEON) and the appropriate Java runtime engine, I tried to reach the repository at to no avail so far.

I'm behind a company firewall and have properly setup my proxy inside Eclipse and within the IE settings. I can search and download any Eclipse updates without any issues, but can not download the NEON repository.

I can browse to at least I get a valid page. But obviously the IDE tries to download from this URL and returns a 404 sometimes the IDE tries to download from but does not succeed either. When downloading content.jar from within ID 11, I can download a binary content. So does the Eclipse IDE not expect a binary file or does it have the wrong content or version?

Btw. I know the FAQ at but the tips do not solve my problem either.

Question: is the NEON repository down right now or delivering the wrong content? Can anybody checks this if one can reach this site?

Did I miss something obvious during my setup?



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey mate, i had the same issue. We have a proxy server at my work. What this does is it resigns the certificate causing your issue.

What you have to do is get the resigned certificate and import it into your java certificates. I followed the steps in the below link and was then able to download the tools 🙂 (I cant remember how to get the certificate off the top of my head but you use the url This makes the cert available to the java program (Eclipse)

Edit: I just recalled how i got the certificate. As our network doesnt allow access to certificates in Internet Options, I used mozilla firefox. Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Certificates. Find the * one and export it. Then follow the stack overflow link answers instructions. Make sure you have been to the and added the certificate/exception if prompted

Active Contributor
0 Kudos works fine for me, actually worked so fast I had to double check that Eclipse was not presenting a cached entry. I just went into Help -> Install new software and added a location using the button on the top right.