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0 Kudos

Dear All,

I need your advice on this issue.

Currently our source system is :

Source-Release: NW 7.40 SP08 Unicode

Source -OS DB&PAS: Windows2012 R2

Source-DB: Oracle 11g SP2

Target-Release: NW 7.40 SP21

Target-OS/DB: SLES12

Target-DB: HANA 2.0

Currently i am performing DMO Migration without System Move option. As we need to upgrade the netwaver and Migrate to hana database. Now during SUM 1.0 SP23 run for DMO Migration without System Move option, we are having issue in below phase: MAIN_SHDINST/SUBMOD_SHDALIASCRE/SUBMOD_SHDVIEWCRE/EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS

As per check in the logs this phase is failing for the below error:


EXECUTING G:\usr\sap\MMF\SUM\abap\exe\R3load.EXE -i G:\usr\sap\MMF\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00001_IMP.CMD -dbcodepage 4103 -l G:\usr\sap\MMF\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_00001_IMP.LOG -logformat upgrade -rtstat A1EEGEN 000 (GEN) Unknown option "-rtstat" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



As above message is referring the option -rtstat unknwon, So when i executed manually except the this option -rtstat, the query executed successfully and pass this phase.

But Then MAIN_SHDRUN/START_SHDI_FRIST failing with below error:

Shadow instance couldn't be started, RFC login to system XXX as host XXX RFC_LOGON_FAILURE: Error DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN occured. P1=ABAP-gen

I tried to start manually the shadow instance, i can see from SAP MMC it all green( Even ABAP work proces table all process waiting status). But when try to access the SAP GUI of shadow instance RABAX error is coming.

As per log in shadow instance it referring below table missing.

Database: Table D010ENH R/3 does not exist on the database with ID dbtran.

I executed above scenario with different kernel version (745 PL301 / 745 PL 800 and 749 PL 600) every time it same issue. So giving higher version kernel not fixing this issue.

Kindly help advice how i can fix the issue in phase MAIN_SHDINST/SUBMOD_SHDALIASCRE/SUBMOD_SHDVIEWCRE/EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS so that shadow instance start successfully and can continue further.

Thank you in advance for your valuable advice.

Thanks & regards,


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member

Hi Kausik,

You have done the reverse, I think

./SUM/abap/exe_2nd Kernel Version you had 753 PL400 (HANA on Windows) which is compatible for Release 740.and correct

./SUM/abap/exe should also have 753 PL400 (Oracle on Windows).

This should resolve the issue. for "Unknown option -rstat" . The -rstat enables the real time statistics of R3load, the statistics option is not available in earlier R3load releases (749 for example).

The R3load should be the same release / patch for both sides of the migration in any case.

You can refer to the note 2083594 - SAP Kernel 740, 741, 742, 745, 749 and 753: Versions and Kernel Patch Levels


0 Kudos

Dear Gabel,

Thank you so much for your help and time 🙂 :).

Relay appreciate for your help. Now it fixed the issue.

So to fixed the issue i used 753 PL 400 both location. Also i did same version kernel update in original source system.

./SUM/abap/exe_2nd Kernel Version you had 753 PL400 (HANA on Windows) which is compatible for Release 740.and correct

./SUM/abap/exe should also have 753 PL400 (Oracle on Windows).

So after that when i restarted the DMO, it fixed. 🙂

Thank you again for your help.

Thanks & Regards,

Kousik Maity

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

The "unknown option -rstat" indicates that the Kernel for the Source DB (./SUM/abap/exe ) is incorrect.

Check that you have downloaded the correct Kernel

  • for ./SUM/abap/exe the Kernel should be the Source Database / Target Release ,
  • for ./SUM/abap/exe_2nd the Kernel should be Target Database / Target Release

The start of the Shadow instance in START_SHDI_FRIST is likely failing for the same reason


0 Kudos

Thank you David for your reply. I am checking on this.

0 Kudos

Dear David,

As per check now.

For location ./SUM/abap/exe Kernel version we have 749 PL 600 ( Oracle on Windows) which is correct.

For Location ./SUM/abap/exe_2nd Kernel Version we have 753 PL400 (HANA on Windows) which maintenance Planer help to download.

For ./SUM/abap/exe_2nd now i tried with Kernel Version 749 PL 600 ( hana on Windows) to mach the Source and target release version but still same issue.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Thanks & Regards,

Kousik Maity