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Content not flowing on another page by flowed Subform (Inside Positioned Subform )

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Dear Adobe Guru

I have a requirement to print different invoices on different pages I have a internal table of invoices and each row has multiple line items its a nested Internal table

My adobe is working almost fine printing each new invoices at the start of next page but if the line items of any invoices exceeds the page it is not flowing on other page for example if one invoice has multiple line items it should continue on 2nd page and the 2nd invoice should start print from the top of 3rd page. but the line times not flowing on 2nd page

I have created a flowed sub form inside of a positioned form because i have to print invoice no customer name in scattered places like a header. inside of a flowed subform i have created a table of line items, but still not working I am stuck now please help.

flowed subform (check on Allow pagebreak with content)

positioned subform check on ( Allow pagebreak with content, Repeat subform from each data item)

flowed subform (check on Allow pagebreak with content)

table : check on Allow pagebreak with content

Data: ( Allow pagebreak with content, Repeat subform from each data item)

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Active Contributor

Hi Azeem,

This is a recommendation directly from the Adobe help site pertaining to embedding flowed subforms inside positioned subforms:


  • Avoid placing flowed subforms inside a positioned subform. Doing so causes problems with page breaks, overlapping objects, and repeating subforms.

To avoid this issue you should modify your positioned subform to be a flowed subform to accommodate the data merging/rendering process. If you are having issues because of text alignment on rows then I would suggest using the "Western Text" direction instead of "Top to Bottom" with appropriate spaces to create some type of header content.


Ryan Crosby

Active Contributor
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I am only guessing what type of embedding you have... of course the other option is to realign your subforms so that the positioned subform does not contain the flowed subform. That all depends on how your form is structured.

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Hi Ryan thanks for your quick response as per suggestion I make a header as western text and now switch the subform content to flowed. The line items content start to print on 2nd page but the next invoice is starting right after the line items end which I dont want this I want next Invoice to start print from the top of next page pls help I hope you understand my problem

Active Contributor
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That means that you need to insert a conditional page break into your layout to force the flow onto the next page at the end of each invoice.