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CAI Bot correctly identifies intent and then still triggers fall-back skill

0 Kudos

Hi guys,

Our CAI-Bot is acting up, although the input from the user has been correctly identified and assigned to the right intent, the bot triggers and displays the fall-back skill.

Can you help?

Here's the information:

{ "nlp": { "uuid": "7353d8df-28cb-4913-a656-eb452fd67d76663862", "intents": [ { "slug": "adobeindesign", "confidence": 0.97, "description": "AdobeInDesign" }, { "slug": "goodbye", "confidence": 0.91, "description": "" } ], "entities": { "organization": [ { "raw": "adobe indesign", "confidence": 0.52 } ] }, "language": "en", "processing_language": "en", "version": "2001.0.0", "timestamp": "2020-03-13T17:39:02.887608+00:00", "status": 200, "logs": [], "source": "adobe indesign", "act": "assert", "type": null, "sentiment": "neutral" }, "qna": {}, "messages": [ { "type": "buttons", "content": { "title": "Here is a list of topics I can give you information on:", "buttons": [ { "value": "Sol Help", "title": "Sol Help", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Sol Support", "title": "Sol Support tickets", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Marketing translation", "title": "Marketing translation", "type": "postback" } ] }, "delay": null, "value": { "title": "Here is a list of topic I can give you information on:", "buttons": [ { "value": "Sol Help", "title": "Sol Help", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Sol Support", "title": "Sol Support tickets", "type": "postback" } ] } } ], "conversation": { "id": "test-1584121136191", "language": "en", "memory": {}, "skill": "fallback", "skill_occurences": 1 }, "logs": { "input": "adobe indesign", "logs": [ { "level": "error", "code": "E_MULTIPLE_SKILLS", "data": { "skills": [ "c0f34c0f-0be9-4eb1-8013-96d12e2a350d", "646dbdf3-feb0-477f-b2fa-fd27cb5d1a8f" ], "message": "skill 'greetings' and skill 'AdobeInDesign Brochure' both had their triggers validated" }, "timestamp": "2020-03-13T17:39:02.000Z", "conversation": { "id": "test-1584121136191", "conversation_id": "test-1584121136191", "warning": "The conversation_id field will be depreciated on January 1st 2018! Switch to using the id field instead", "language": "en", "memory": {}, "skill_stack": [], "skill": null, "skill_occurences": 0, "participant_data": {} } }, { "level": "info", "code": "I_SKILL_TRIGGERED", "data": { "skill_id": "3fa1d21c-80aa-49af-a4d4-2521faa8da80", "reason": "FALLBACK", "message": "skill fallback has been triggered" }, "timestamp": "2020-03-13T17:39:02.000Z" }, { "level": "info", "code": "I_REQUIREMENTS_OK", "data": { "skill_id": "3fa1d21c-80aa-49af-a4d4-2521faa8da80", "message": "requirements of skill fallback validated, executing actions" }, "timestamp": "2020-03-13T17:39:02.000Z" }, { "level": "info", "code": "I_EXECUTE_ACTION", "data": { "type": "message", "value": { "type": "buttons", "content": { "title": "Here is a list of topics I can give you information on:", "buttons": [ { "value": "Sol Help", "title": "Sol Help", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Sol Support", "title": "Sol Support tickets", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Marketing translation", "title": "Marketing translation", "type": "postback" } ] }, "delay": null, "value": { "title": "Here is a list of topic I can give you information on:", "buttons": [ { "value": "Sol Help", "title": "Sol Help", "type": "postback" }, { "value": "Sol Support", "title": "Sol Support tickets", "type": "postback" } ] } } }, "timestamp": "2020-03-13T17:39:02.000Z" } ] }, "hasDelay": true, "hasNextMessage": false }

It states with a confidence of 0.97 that the intent is adobeindesign. But it triggers the fall-back skill.

The monitor also shows that it correctly assigned the input to the intent.

Thanks, Gesine

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Gesine,

in the JSON payload you'll find a logs element which provides the necessary information of what is going wrong here.

"logs": [ { "level": "error", "code": "E_MULTIPLE_SKILLS", "data": { "skills": [ "c0f34c0f-0be9-4eb1-8013-96d12e2a350d", "646dbdf3-feb0-477f-b2fa-fd27cb5d1a8f" ], "message": "skill 'greetings' and skill 'AdobeInDesign Brochure' both had their triggers validated" }

It looks like two skills, "skill greetings" and "AdobeInDesign Brochure" have triggered. In that case also the fallback skill is executed.

This is due to the fact, that two intents are identified with very high confidence:

{ "slug": "adobeindesign", "confidence": 0.97, "description": "AdobeInDesign" }, { "slug": "goodbye", "confidence": 0.91, "description": "" }

In order to solve this you would need to improve the intent training - probably there is a confusion in the model with the expressions of the two intents. More information can be found in your bot in the monitor / training analytics tab.

