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BRF Plus: How to check which object version is deployed/active in each managed system

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Hi All,

We recently turned on versioning for BRF Plus but we are having an issue with splits. To give you an overview of our setup:

Landscape: centralized design system connected to multiple managed systems (QA and Prod). We deploy using DSM to managed systems. Versioning based on transport/deployment is turned on.

Changes: Frequent. We have a maintenance team handling routine change requests or incident fixes in production and we also have project teams working on specific changes in parallel. Most of the changes involve decision tables.

Issue: When the maintenance team processes routine requests or fixes, these are built on top of changes that are still being tested by project teams so the latter are being deployed to production as a result since we can only deploy at function level with DSM. We have implemented a process of retrofitting but this takes a lot of effort at the moment to track which versions are deployed/active in each system.

A couple of questions:

1. I was reading on other versioning-related posts here and saw someone suggest the utilizing methods in the CL_FDT_DECISION_TABLE class. I opened it and saw there's are methods called "IF_FDT_ADMIN_DATA~GET_ACTIVE_VERSION" and "IF_FDT_ADMIN_DATA~GET_VERSIONS".

If I use these methods via a custom program in my design system, is it possible to do a remote call to a managed system to see what is the active version and to get a list of versions deployed in each of these systems? Or is that an incorrect use of these methods?

I ask because at the moment when I check the versioning log in BRF+, only the deployment ID for the first system the change was deployed to is being displayed for each version. It doesn't show the succeeding deployments for the same version w/c have a different deployment ID each.

2. Is there a table that stores the DSM deployment IDs (shown in the versioning column in screenshot above)? FDT_BRS_DSM_0020 table shows me logs per managed system but doesn't provide version details while FDT_ADMN_0010 only shows version details per object. I was thinking of mapping the object version, managed system, and deployment ID details to determine versioning details but I'm not sure where DSM deployment ID is being logged.

3. Are there any best practices/standards to be applied on how to design and develop complex BRF applications, particularly if there are multiple teams operating in parallel?

4. Do we need to consider changes to our landscape in order to avoid this issue? This is not an option we're looking into at the moment because only one team is affected by this issue. We also believe we can avoid this by having the right BRF dev standards in place. But if we are to explore this, what would be the pros and cons of having let's say a two-design system setup w/ DSM (versioning, speed to deploy changes, on-going maintenance etc.)?

Appreciate any inputs from the folks here, thank you in advance!

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