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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

🔥 Update 

Thanks for joining our roundtable. If you weren’t able to join, you can find the slides and the recording in this GitHub repository.

💡 Further Information

📧 The call for contributions for one of the upcoming roundtables is open! 

If you want to show a demo or share a use case scenario for SAP BTP ABAP Environment send us an email and we will get back to you.



AsSAP BTP ABAP environment (aka Steampunk) became more and morepopular inside and outside of SAP, there is a high demand for rolling out the latest updates and material, asking questions, and of course exchanging with you.

As announced during our first roundtable in April, we want to engage with customers and partners and give them the opportunity to present their solutions. Therefore we are very pleased that Sunil Gupta and colleagues from Innoval Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd will present their Steampunk solution during the next roundtable.

Meeting Information


  • August 15th, 10:00 - 11:00 AM CEST  – Zoom Meeting (please register in advance)



  • All interested customers, partners, and stakeholders are invited to join and exchange ideas and feedback with others and the product team

  • Steampunk teamfrankjentsch(Project Lead for SAP BTP ABAP Environmentiwona.hahn (Marketing & Communication Strategy ABAP Platform)

Preliminary Agenda:

Looking forward meeting you!

Check out our SAP Business Technology ABAP Environment page in SAP Community for product updates and upcoming events.

0 Kudos
Unfortunately the 15. of August is a holiday in bavaria, so I won't be able to join you.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
We will record the session and provide the link to the recording asap here. Maybe you can join one of the next upcoming roundtables for Steampunk this year.