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Former Member


  1. We often need to do selective deletion from any of the Info-providers including ODSO and Info-cubes. Often it is required to delete the data based on selections in a Process Chain.
  2. Also there are scenarios where the data is very huge and it takes huge amount of time in Selective deletion. But if we segregate the selections in small-small selections it takes lesser amount of time.


  1. This Program can be used to do selective deletion and can be used with Variants in any of the Process Chains,
  2. We can choose to delete the data in a Loop and the program will delete data one by one. E.g. If selection given for CALMONTH 01.2012 to 12.2012, the program will delete the data in a loop first for 01.2012 then for 02.2012 till 12.2012.

Working of the Program:

Step 1: Execute the Program

Step 2: Enter the Info-provider info-cube or ODSO or select from F4 Help.

Step 3: Select the Info-Object for which you want to do selective deletion as the F4 help will give only Info-objects of the Info-provider entered

Step 4: Enter the values in the Selections

Step 5: Check the Perform Deletion in Loop checkbox only the first row for selections will be input ready all others will be greyed out

Step 6: If you now click on F4 Help you will only see the Time Characteristics for selections

Step 7: Choose the Info-Object and enter selection values

Precautions while using the Program:

The program can be potentially delete data from any Info-Provider and should be used carefully. Authorization to execute the program should be given only to the selected users.

Source Code Attached:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Great !

But the program does not generate logs for selective deletion, nor works on DSO objects... I made some changes to make it work for DSOs, but still no logs:(

But this is really great !

Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, this works nice. But it won't support for external type values we need to give internal values.

for ex. for date 29.10.2014 we will have to give 20141029. this need to take it up.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Really helpful share... Thanks for your effort.

This can be used in some scenarios even though logs are not captured. Gr8 and keep posting...

Have a good day :smile:



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

just wondering, what's wrong with RSDRD_DELETE_FACTS?



0 Kudos
where can I find the attached source code? Thanks!

0 Kudos
Did you ever get the code? Or, can you share the code you ended up with?


Thank you,

0 Kudos
where can i get the attached code?


0 Kudos
where is the code ??
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