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Active Contributor
In Part 1, we created custom code adaptation FAQ CAI chatbot and integrated with SAP Cloud platform Fiori launchpad.

In this blog, we will see how to integrated the same with On-premise Fiori launchpad. Lets begin...


Deploy the Fiori Launchpad  Chatbot plugin to Backend

  • To start with , we will deploy the Chatbot Fiori Launchpad plugin (created earlier) to the Backend system.

  • Select the Backend system and give suitable application name

Create Custom Catalog in the Backend Fiori Launchpad designer

  • Login to the Backend System Fiori Launchpad designer and click on create catalog

  • Create a catalog with suitable name and ID

  • Create a Target mapping with semantic object "Shell" and action "plugin"


Create a Role & Assign to the user

  • Goto TCODE PFCG and create a custom role with suitable description

  • Assign the above created custom catalog to it

  • Assign user to the role and we are done.

  • Open the Fiori launchpad are we can see the Chatbot integrated with it.


Lets see the bot in action in this demo video.

Keep Learning & Keep Sharing!!
0 Kudos
idea is very nice - want to know more about accuracy .


Active Contributor
Thanks Shivam!

Accuracy will depend on how well the Bot is trained. Also, CAI provides the monitoring features, that helps us monitor all the interactions with bot and that helps us to decide on what all questions we might need to add or rephrase.


Thank you vijay , its true -  i want to see the next version video for sure as your idea is super solid and directly related to time , it is really going to save lot of time i must say a small installation of this can help lot of developers doing code correction.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Vijay

Hope your doing good.

Just i know about the app. CAI Plugin app, catalog/group and role all are standard or custom one.

what kind of code you used under CAIPlugin app.. can u you please share me the blog for  that code. I am also plaing configure same kind of task in my FLP

Best Regards



HI vijay.sharma4

Thanks for the blog. We have also integrated the CAI chat bot on fiori launchpad.

Its working fine as expected. But once i open any app the bot appears in all pages of the app.

How can we restrict the bot to appear only on launchpad home screen.It should not appear inside apps screen.

Please let us know the solution for this.


Hi Vijay,

Thanks for sharing such nice information.

Please help me if you have any idea, how can I move the Bot Icon SAP fiori applications.

The problem is when I open any application the bot is overlapping the footer of the opened application.
0 Kudos

I have the same issue. Have you found a solution for this problem? Can chatbot icon be place on lower-left corner instead of lower-right corner? or like the icon of Co-Pilot on the header line?

Thanks for any reply.
0 Kudos
Hi Vijay,

I was able to connect cai with fiori. Is there anyway to pass fiori user id or username to cai?
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